At a job interview, you have to impress, but sometimes the employers themselves can mess up your plans without even realizing it. What should you do when you meet one of these guys?
They make sure that everything goes according to plan, that you have been asked all the questions and that they have marked your answer in each box. They are not overly creative and do not deviate from the imagined procedure that implies a job interview. He will write a lot, but you will have little personal contact with him.
How to proceed? They want answers to already imagined questions and not much beyond that. It would be best if you try to answer concisely, concisely and informatively. Try not to rush too much: still give them time to fill in all their "boxes" in the notes they keep.
Before you really look back on the interview and the important questions, this chatter will already be enjoying talking about the cheese he tried at a relative's house, trying to remember which of his acquaintances went to college with you, and the like.
How to proceed? Try to cooperate somewhat. Chatting can help you develop a relationship with the person interviewing you for the job. But, at some point, change the subject and show that you didn't just come to chat, but also to work. You want to be remembered as a capable person – you don't just want to be nice and friendly. Be all that, but also focus on what you want, and that is – work.
No, this time you have prepared yourself, but the person you are talking to has not. Maybe she tried, but she has work to do, and for the first time today she breathed a sigh of relief right now when you were there, and it's not even a vacation.
How to proceed? Maybe the fact that your potential future employer hasn't even read your CV seems frustrating, but don't show it. Try to get the best out of the story and present yourself, in a few words, some of your greatest strengths, awards and certain achievements, and any additional certifications and knowledge.
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