There are only 14,4 percent of women in executive positions in the workplace, which proves that inequality still prevails, according to research by Catalyst, an organization that takes care of the better position of women at work. Although the gap has narrowed, women still earn less, with female managers earning an average of 20 percent less than their male counterparts. It is very important for women to avoid pitfalls that can slow down their careers, and one of the most common mistakes they make is believing that everyone is equal at work.
- The reality is that gender is important. Women think that it is not important that they are women, but some managers still do not believe that they are allowed to work hard - says professor at the Stern School of Business in New York Sheila Wellington.
Silence and work are not noticed
Many women believe that if they do what they are told, they will be noticed and rewarded, but hard work usually begets more hard work.
- Women should subtly draw attention to the achieved results. When they receive compliments, instead of a shy response, they should reply: "Thank you for noticing," says psychologist Lois P. Frankel.
In meetings, you should avoid giving comments only at the end, but you should join the discussions from the beginning, because this way you give the impression that you are confident.
Don't be afraid to ask questions
Women often lack the courage to ask their superiors for a raise or promotion, and are 85 percent less likely than their male colleagues to do so, according to a Washington Post survey.
- If a woman lacks the courage to ask her superior for a higher salary, the answer will always be no. There is nothing wrong with asking - says prof. Wellington.
If they don't want to be bombarded with questions, women should research what salaries are like in similar companies. After that, they can negotiate better or even look for a new job.
With tears - cautiously
Work can be very stressful, especially in this time of economic crisis, and women can sometimes react too emotionally. Tears due to work can damage their credibility in front of co-workers and managers, and in order to avoid this, it is good to take time outside of work to think about situations that upset them and how to deal with them calmly.
Use feedback and criticism
It's not easy to hear about your mistakes, but sometimes that's all you can do. You need to allow your boss to be able to give you honest feedback. Accept negative feedback politely and thus prove that you are a resilient and capable worker.
Private gatherings favor business
Active participation in social activities outside the workplace is very important, so it would be good from time to time to organize some socializing with colleagues after work hours or take your friends to the cinema to see the latest movie.
It's not all about the salary, there's also something about investing
Work brings benefits that you need to know how to use. Women are ready to invest much less in something than men, claims Mariko Chang, author of the book on women and wealth.
- Income is important, but wealth is what allows people to have a comfortable retirement - says Chang.
Importance of clothing and speaking skills
Clothing and speaking skills affect how others see you. Young women should look up to successful senior managers and emulate their style. When communicating, you should use simple, short sentences.
- The more words used, the softer the message sounds - says Frankel.
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