Geneticists have discovered what in most cases children inherit from their parents.
Highly striking facial features, such as a large nose or ears, are passed down from one generation to the next, geneticists point out.
It is interesting to note that big ears are inherited from the father in most cases, and big toes from the mother.
Who do they look like?
People often think that girls look more like their fathers, and boys look more like their mothers, and science has partially agreed with that. Boys inherit only one x-chromosome from their mother, which is responsible for inheriting physical appearance, and the father's x-chromosome is poor in such genes.
Unlike boys, the situation is somewhat different for girls. Girls receive one x chromosome from both parents, which is why there are equal chances of them resembling both father and mother, writes B92.
Eye color
A combination of genes is also responsible for eye color, and there are certain rules: Parents with extremely dark eyes cannot have a blue-eyed child. People with brown hair and eyes can conceive a child with blue eyes, although the chances are less. People who have light hair and eyes in most cases have blue-eyed or green-eyed children.
Hair color
The combination of genes is also responsible for hair color, so there are certain laws in this inheritance as well: If both parents have fair hair, the child will inherit a similar shade.
If one parent has dark hair and the other has light hair, the child will have dark hair, or will have a "medium" shade. If one of the parents has curly hair, there is a high probability that the child will also have curly hair.
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