The modern lifestyle implies endless hours of sitting, at work, in front of the television, in front of the computer... We spend our days illuminated by the bluish light of screens of all sizes, so much so that we will "forget" a little more to walk.
It may seem silly to you to get up and stand a little in the middle of working hours, just like that, or take a walk between the office desks, but this "sedentary lifestyle" exposes you to a significantly higher risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, not to mention being overweight .
If you work in an office job, you can't avoid sitting for eight hours a day, but you can make small changes that will have a positive effect on your overall health. Here's what you can try:
- walk around the office or corridor while on the phone
- get up from the desk and "unstick" from the computer every 30 minutes
- take the stairs (make it a rule, try to forget that the elevator even exists)
- instead of sending an email to your colleague, get up, walk to him and tell him what you need
These aren't big things, but sometimes small steps are enough to start living healthier. After a while, you might be able to force yourself to get off the bus a stop or two early and walk to work. Good weather is coming, take advantage of it, reports mondo.
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