Nettles against fatigue and lack of energy

Nettle tea is especially effective for those who lack iron in the blood and are anemic
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Nettle tea, Photo: Shutterstock
Nettle tea, Photo: Shutterstock
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Nettle cures spring fatigue, but also fatigue in general, since it is rich in vitamins and minerals, and detoxifies the body.

With its diuretic effect, it helps the body to wash away harmful substances, and with its wealth of minerals to restore energy.

Nettle tea is especially effective for those who lack iron in the blood and are anemic.

In those situations, you can drink one cup of tea a day. Due to its diuretic effect, nettle is good for bladder problems.

It helps with allergies, but in order to show its effect, it needs to be drunk for a long time.

Nettle strengthens immunity, and reduces the body's sensitivity to allergens.

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