Beetroot is a winter vegetable rich in essential nutrients such as B vitamins, iron, selenium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, magnesium and potassium. It is a goldmine of health and provides you with nutrients that you cannot get from other foods. Beetroot is a low-calorie and easily digestible food, and it owes its specific dark color to the red pigments betacyanins, a group of powerful antioxidants that prevent the onset of various degenerative diseases.
Below, read a few things that happen to your body when you eat beets.
Beetroot as medicine
Beetroot is full of nutrients that protect the body from various diseases. It is an excellent source of energy, protects against premature aging and generally affects the better functioning of the body. Although it is difficult to list all the medicinal properties of beets, the following few are quite enough for you to decide on the regular consumption of this winter vegetable:
- It is an excellent source of folic acid, which makes it safe for children and is recommended for pregnant women because it can prevent many diseases in the newborn
- For years, beets have been used as a cure for anemia
- It contains a sufficient amount of iron to improve the blood count and cleanse the body of toxins
- By its effect on the elasticity of the arteries, beetroot prevents the formation of varicose veins
- Thanks to the fiber it contains, beetroot can reduce blood cholesterol by up to 40%.
- It acts on the detoxification of the organism because it stimulates the work of the liver and normalizes digestion
- Beetroot juice is an excellent remedy for kidneys, gout and gall bladder, and in combination with carrots, the effectiveness is twice as high.
Blood pressure improves
Beets are rich in nitrates, which the body converts into nitric oxide, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels. This means better circulation and lower blood pressure.
The risk of heart disease is reduced
Beetroot is rich in the plant alkaloid betaine, as well as vitamin B12, which together lower the level of homocysteine in the blood, a high level of which increases the risk of artery damage and heart disease.
The brain works better
Nitric oxide relaxes and dilates blood vessels, which increases blood flow to the brain and leads to better brain functioning. Our ability to generate nitric oxide decreases as we age along with neuronal activity. But you can maintain normal brain functions with beets. In a 2010 study, participants were on a diet that included beet juice. The results showed that blood flow improved in the frontal lobe of the brain, which is responsible for focus, organization and attention.
The liver will be healthier
Your liver does the hard work of cleaning your blood and removing toxins from your body. You can make her job easier by eating beets. Research shows that betaine, an amino acid found in beets, can prevent and reduce the accumulation of fat in the liver.
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