Tried it, then concluded: "Rich men are the worst lovers"

In her book 'Why Rich Men Are Terrible Lovers', Jana explains the problems she had with her rich partner and the things that turned her off about him.

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Jana Hocking, Photo: Instagram
Jana Hocking, Photo: Instagram
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Jana Hocking (34) from Australia was recently in a relationship with an older man who was 'extremely financially stable'. However, it is not all about wealth and luxurious things like a Range Rover and a house on the beach, the radio host herself was convinced, who very quickly stopped being happy in that relationship and started looking for a new partner, reports The Sun.

In her book 'Why Rich Men Are Terrible Lovers', Jana explains what problems she had with her rich partner and what things she rejected in him.

"I believe that the correct term for such men is 'unicorn', they are too good to be true. My partner agreed with me too much. I like discussion and to hear other people's thinking, but he accepted everything I told him," she said. is Jana.

Because of this, she had to plan everything: dates, trips, meetings and socializing. "One day I woke up and saw him looking at me and waiting for me to tell him what he was going to do that day. That's when I knew he wasn't the right man for me. I knew that breaking up with him didn't just mean that I wouldn't have a partner, but that I also give up a comfortable life. I gave up a nice house and exchanged it for my one-room apartment. I was thinking of marrying him and starting a family because that's what he wanted," says Jana.

Ever since she broke up with her partner, she often wonders if a comfortable life with rich partners is really worth this kind of relationship. "Is it worth being in a relationship for the sake of relationships and money? Unfortunately, no," Jana claims. Now when he chooses partners, he first asks himself 'can I sit next to this person on a plane during a long flight'.

"It's a very simple question, and if the answer is that they will drive me crazy, I immediately move away from such people," she explained.

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