Pay with your Mastercard online and take advantage of special benefits. Every Tuesday, for the total amount of online purchases of at least 50 EUR at selected partners, you get a refund of 5 EUR.
Partners participating in the promotion are: Cosmetics, Crnogorski Telekom, Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, Glovo and Voli, and the promotion lasts until November 30.
Online payments are becoming more common in the Montenegrin market, thanks to the simplicity, security and practicality of this way of shopping, which provides a flawless user experience. Until the end of November, you have the opportunity to find everything you need from the comfort of your home at online retailers and partners - without waiting in lines - while enjoying an additional benefit.
Whether you want to buy skin care products, pay bills or utilities, order food from your favorite restaurant or do your grocery shopping, this Tuesday you can take advantage of online payments and get cash back!
Find more information at link
( Mastercard )