The Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports condemned the attack on the Acting Director of the State Archives of Montenegro, Danilo Mrvaljević.
"Any form of violence, especially physical violence, against dissenters, members of a different nation, religious or political persuasion, in itself represents an uncivilized act. We hope that what happened today in the capital will not happen again. A physical attack on an individual of a different political stance is an attack on independent and independent thinking and represents an act of violence against freedom. The values of free expression and action are the basic principle of democracy and the legacy of civilization," the statement said.
MPNKS, as they add, advocates that successful people, recognized in their profession, and ready to use their knowledge for the benefit of the entire community, are placed in responsible management positions.
"Gopsodin Mrvaljević is one of those who, with his professional work and results, justified the trust given to him. It is not characteristic of the citizens of Montenegro that men, hiding in the dark, attack fellow citizens. It does not serve the honor of our ancestors, nor our descendants. We hope that the perpetrators of the attack will be found and adequately punished," the MPNKS said in a statement.
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