The data will help shed light on the murder of Duško Jovanović?

Nataša Miljanović Zubac said that she will not publicly announce what she told the prosecutor Ivanović Đerić, but she says that it seems to her that the orderers and direct perpetrators of the crime could finally be found

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Duška so that they don't remember only when there are anniversaries (Illustration), Photo: Boris Pejović
Duška so that they don't remember only when there are anniversaries (Illustration), Photo: Boris Pejović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Information obtained by journalist Nataša Miljanović Zubac while investigating the murder of Duško Jovanović, and which could lead to the elucidation of that crime, was presented to prosecutor Danka Ivanović Đerić, who is in charge of that investigation.

Two days ago, a journalist from Radio Television of the Republic of Srpska testified before the prosecutor of the Higher State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica as a witness.

After the hearing, "Vijesta" announced that it would not share with the public the information it obtained, which it had presented to the prosecutor, in order not to jeopardize the investigation, which, she said, seems to finally, after 20 years, lead to the principals and direct perpetrators of that crime.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Dan" and a former member of parliament was killed on May 27, 2004 - he was mowed down by shots from an automatic weapon when he left the editorial office of the daily newspaper he owned.

So far, only Damir Mandić from Podgorica has been convicted of participation in the murder. In April 2017, the Appellate Court upheld the verdict for complicity and sentenced him to 19 years in prison. In addition to the perpetrators and orderers of that murder, those who conducted the investigation so that the truth is never established escape justice. It has not been determined who is responsible for the fact that there have been no serious results for almost two decades.

"As a person and as a journalist who searches for the truth, and who spent part of his career as a contributor to 'Dana', I was interested in why the investigation into the murder of Duško Jovanović has not budged for years, so I set out to investigate that crime. It wasn't just yesterday, I've been working on collecting information for years, however, what I came up with is data that is more useful for the prosecutor's investigation and that I didn't want to 'waste' by publishing it, because in that way I would give the chance for it to happen again, who knows. every time they hide or 'lose' intelligence and official notes, destroy evidence, but also to influence those who, I appreciate, could reveal the truth about which they themselves have been silent for 20 years - some because of involvement, and some out of fear," she said. she.

She says that she understands why those involved are silent, but that after two decades she does not understand the fear of those who can help the prosecution to finally dust off the case.

"We all owe Duško Jovanović the truth for which he fought and for which he paid the highest price - he lost his life. This was also decisive in making the decision not to run after headlines and news in prime time, but to help the prosecutor's office of the state where I studied, worked, and spent part of my life. I believe that the information I shared with the prosecutor will be of great importance for the investigation, but I would be glad if Ms. Ivanović Đerić, who very bravely entered the case, would be helped by others, especially people in the most responsible positions in Montenegro - the supreme state Prosecutor Milorad Marković, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, President of the Assembly Andrija Mandić, but also all honest people from the security sector, prosecution and judiciary. It is important that, first of all, they personally stand up for the final elucidation of that crime, and then that they provide functional, i.e. institutional, support, enable the conditions and certain legal frameworks for the work of the prosecutor Ivanović Đerić, and not that they remember Duško only during the commemoration of the anniversary of his murder", she told "Vijesti".

He believes that the data will lead to the executors and principals: Miljanović Zubac
He believes that the data will lead to the executors and principals: Miljanović Zubacphoto: Private archive


In the same investigation last week, former Prime Minister Dritan Abazović was heard, who recently publicly insisted that an urgent hearing of former security guard Zoran Lazović be ordered in the investigation of the murder of the owner and editor of the newspaper "Dan".

After the hearing, he told "Vijesta" that through the operational information he received as the coordinator of the security services, and later as the prime minister, concerning the murder of Jovanović, two names - Zoran Lazović and Duško Golubović, among others - kept coming up.

"All of them, in the list, mentioned Lazovićeva and several other names. It was not up to me to verify that information, but to forward it to the authorities, which I did, asking them to finally, after two decades of silence and cover-up, shed light on that crime."

He did not specify for "Vijesti" in which context those names were mentioned.

Before the prosecutor Ivanović Đerić, the sister of the murdered police official Slavoljub Šćekić, Slavica Šćekić, was heard recently after declaring that she had seen a document on her late brother's desk that spoke of the participation of Vuk Vulević in the murder of Jovanović.

In a statement to Portal RTCG, Slavica Šćekić confirmed that she received a summons from the Higher State Prosecutor's Office and that she made statements regarding her allegations about the murder of Jovanović.

"During my guest appearance on the show 'Referat', I said that I saw a police document on my brother's desk where it was stated that Vuk Vulević shot from the back seat, resting his right hand on the shoulder of Musa Osmanagić, who was sitting in the passenger seat, to his hand didn't tremble and that's how he shot and killed Duško Jovanović," says Šćekić.

She stated that her late brother discovered who killed Duško Jovanović and that it is not excluded that it cost him his life.

She points out that after the brutal murder, she found a record and a report with the name of the killer in his room.

Last year in the Higher State Prosecutor's Office in Podgorica, in that investigation, several people were heard, among them Vesna Medenica, who was the supreme state prosecutor when Jovanović was killed.

She testified in the investigation opened in 2021, which is headed by prosecutor Ivanović Đerić.

After the hearing, her legal representative, lawyer Zdravko Begović, told "Vijesti" that Medenica gave her testimony as a witness and that he did not attend the hearing.

"From the communication with her, I can say that yesterday she gave all the information she received from the investigative authorities. She is satisfied with the fact that the investigation is continuing and expects it to be successfully concluded," Begović said in June last year.

The former director of the Police Administration, Veselin Veljović, was previously heard as a witness.

He was allegedly speaking about the circumstances of the disappearance of the official note in which, after the arrest of the only person convicted of complicity in that murder, Damir Mandić, UP officials wrote down everything he told them that night.

The first Montenegrin policeman announced a few years ago that the murder of Jovanović was solved operationally, that is, that the police know who did it, but that there is no material evidence.

In mid-September 2019, he said that the fatigue of the competent prosecutor on the night of the liquidation was the reason that the case of the murder of the owner of "Dana" was not fully resolved and that the case was irretrievably lost.

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