The Ulcinj police filed a criminal complaint against SP, who is suspected of having stolen 2.000 euros from the market where he works, and then used that money for games of chance, the Police Administration (UP) announced.
He was prosecuted for abuse of position in business operations.
"The security department in Ulcinj was informed by a market that their employee, SP, had stolen money from the traffic from the said market, in the amount of 2.000,00 euros, from an unlocked car. By taking operational and other measures and actions on the ground, and after collected notifications about the said event, the police officers of the Security Department in Ulcinj came to know that the employee of the market, SP (31) from Ulcinj, had unauthorizedly appropriated the money of the said market and used the said amount of money for games of chance," the announcement states.
"The state prosecutor in the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Ulcinj was informed about the event, on whose order a criminal complaint was filed against the SP on suspicion of having committed the criminal offense of abuse of position in business operations," said the UP.
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