The members of the Kavac clan have been searching for the Cetinje for years Vasko Lješković (37) killed two days ago in the yard of his house.
This is shown by correspondence from the once protected Sky application, from which it appears that individuals among them were ready to "take out his eyes alive".
"Vijesti" does not know whether the police determined whether the messages exchanged at that time had anything to do with the liquidation of Lješković in Cetinje.
"And if we try, I said, alive, I'd take out his eyes"... "I definitely wanted to write to you, but I'll wait until tomorrow to confirm about Lješković, the man is setting him up, I'll touch him"... "Quickly we won't mention it - we've been alive and seen"... "I can't catch this Lješković from CT, he's the only one who knows where he is...", are just some of the messages exchanged during 2020 and 2021 between several members of the Kavac clan who were even then arranging the liquidation of a high-ranking skalar.
From the messages they exchanged, it appears that one of the officers of the Police Administration helped them locate that scumbag.
"What's the name of the one, the border should I check?", that policeman sends on December 9, 2020 to a member of the Cetinje cell of the Kavački clan, who replies "Vasko Lješković".
"Released on February 2, 2 for Pg-Milano. He didn't come back," writes the police officer after the check.
During 2020 and 2021, the members of that clan exchanged several photos of Lješković, whom they call by the nickname Waiter.
In mid-January 2021, one of them boasted to the now-escaped policeman that he had repeatedly promised the arrested man from Podgorica that he would honor him if he framed Lješković.
"...He promised him that he would set him up, and I said so G **** if we catch him, I will give him 50 just to finish it, because the latter told him that he was in favor S *** this Vasko participated, and this one doesn't know that I know... It would be like if he took a million now", sends this Cetinje...
The policeman, whom his colleagues are looking for because of the suspicion that he subordinated the service to the mafia, replies that Lješković is in Montenegro and that he entered the country on January 8 of that year, via the Božaj border crossing...
"Squeeze him for Lješković, specifically," he tells him.
"I'm holding my brother, I wish I didn't know what for it. And if we tried, I said, alive, I would take out his eyes," writes a man from Kavča from Priještina to the escaped policeman.
He also informs him that he guaranteed the person they hired to set up Lješković that the people of Kavac would protect him from the retaliation of the Skaljars, and that he also informed the head of the Kavac clan about this...
Where Lješković was going and in what car, his now deceased fellow citizen, whose nickname on that encrypted application was sent to one of the escaped Cetinje citizens via Sky brdo.
Liquidation of Lješković, close to one of the leaders of the Cetinje cell of the Skaljar clan Vladan Radoman, is the continuation of the decade-long conflict between that and the Kavaka clan, which claimed many lives in Montenegro and the region.
Murder investigation
The murder of Lješković was reported to the police on September 27 at 15.35:XNUMX p.m.
It is not known, however, when the executioner pulled out a sniper rifle from a hill about 500 meters from the Lješković house and shot the thirty-seven-year-old in the heart.
One of the sources of "Vijesti" said that according to all the facts known so far, it is indisputable that the shooter was a professional trained in handling semi-automatic sniper weapons - a former soldier, policeman, sport hunter.
"Given that the house and yard are surrounded by a high wall, and that the deceased was killed inside it, the shot had to be fired from a nearby elevation - a wooded area and a rocky hill... Shooting from this distance from a sniper and from an elevation requires impeccable accuracy, but also the shooter's training, which means that he had to have accurate data on the movement, behavior, location and habits of the deceased - exact distance, field of view, cleared area, possible obstacles to the projectile's flight, etc. This fact indicates that the victim had to be followed and observed for a long time, as well as the house and yard", said the interlocutor of "Vijesti".
He explained that the entrance and exit wound of the projectile - the left side of the chest, indicates that it is a larger caliber bullet, which ensured that, after firing, the influence of altitude or wind, on the flight or fall of the projectile, would not be affected by the deformation of the projectile's flight. , which provides a very accurate shot:
"In order to fire such a precise shot, in relation to the distance and altitude, the shooter - the killer had to practice several times, that is, to 'shoot' the weapon from which he fired, and in conditions that are the same or approximately the same as the location and position from which he shot shot at the victim, which means that both for training and choosing the place for the fatal shot, the killer had to know the terrain well".
The same interlocutor assessed that, bearing in mind that the killing took place during the day, during good visibility, the killer most likely came to the position from where he shot during the night:
"In order to avoid being noticed, he camouflaged himself, lay low and remained calm until a clear target appeared... The fact that so far no material traces have been found at the scene that could indicate a possible perpetrator (witnesses, videos, etc. ) as well as the weapon or shell from which the fatal shot was fired, says that everything was professionally organized and carried out. The phrase of professional snipers - 'one shot, one hit', is another fact that confirms the validity of the assumption that it is a professional and trained killer, who does not shoot for the first time from this distance, since the killer fired only one fatal shot. "The killer either had good logistics or knows the city and terrain very well, if there are no witnesses or eyewitnesses to his movement during his arrival or after leaving the scene of the crime", "Vijesti" was told.
Bonus video: