A little chased, a little reported that he was running away: How the Jackal broadcasted the police action against Belivuk's group live to the Officer

Serbian police inspector Daniel Jovanović informed his Montenegrin colleague Ljubo Milović that they had received an order to arrest his criminal associates from Belgrade.

"Brother, get the whole MUP, the helicopter, everyone alive, we are running all over the city of Velje and his to find them and arrest them. You know what a madhouse, it has to be found today and that's it," he sends on December 4, 2020.

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Marko Miljković, Nebojša Bugarin, Veljko Belivuk, Radoje Zvicer, Petar Lazović and Ljubo Milović in a restaurant in Grahovo, Photo: Skaj/Vijesti
Marko Miljković, Nebojša Bugarin, Veljko Belivuk, Radoje Zvicer, Petar Lazović and Ljubo Milović in a restaurant in Grahovo, Photo: Skaj/Vijesti
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

At the end of 2020, Serbian police inspector Daniel Jovanović informed his Montenegrin colleague Ljubo Milović that they had received an order to arrest his associates from Belgrade, Veljko Belivuk and Marko Miljković, which the latter conveyed to them.

This stems from their correspondence from the once protected Sky application, on which they wrote hidden behind the nicknames Jackal and Officer.

White Wolf
White Wolfphoto: Screenshot/Youtube

The accused, now a member of the Serbian Criminal Intelligence Service of the Serbian Police (SKOP), explained to Milović months before that the Security Information Agency (BIA) would go after the associates of Kavčan in Serbia, stating that the reason for this was their connection with Nebojša Stefanović.

From the messages that Jovanović sent to the officer, it appears that the BIA protected the people of Kavčani until the eve of the summer of 2020, when, according to the Serbian policeman, the war began between the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the then Minister of the Interior, Stefanović.

Jovanović confided in Milović that they also drew his attention to contacts with people close to Stefanović, because, as he claimed, his wife, the now indicted BIA employee Dušica Jovanović, could get hurt.

According to the accusations of the Serbian and Montenegrin prosecutors, Jovanović and Milović are members of the Kavača criminal clan.

"Brother, they've got the entire MUP, a helicopter, all alive, we're running all over the city of Velje and his people to find them and arrest them. You know what a crazy thing to do, they have to be found today and that's it. Something is happening, brother, the entire MUP, the city is full of police and they're only looking for them. It's not known where they are, the emphasis is on the stadium and around it. I'm there too," he sent to Milović on December 4, 2020.

Responding to Milović's messages, where and who is looking for Velja Nevolja and Miljković, he specifies that the policemen are "all around the stadium".

"SBPOK, arrest team, escort department, intelligence, brother 100 people on the ground for sure. He has to be found and arrested, and I have no idea what," he writes.

On February 4, 2021, BIA officers arrested Belivuk and Miljković at Belgrade airport after they disembarked from a plane that had flown in from Tivat. The two Belgraders were staying with Zvicer, and the Montenegrin prosecution claims that by arresting members of the Skaljar clan on January 22, they prevented their liquidation.

Milović asks for and receives details from a Serbian colleague that the police are near Hyde Park, in Zvečanska, but that he was also on the field: "at the Partizan boutique".

All the time from the field, he tells Milović what is happening, but also that the inspectors are also going around that part on foot...

Late in the afternoon, he informs him that the action is still going on, that he is still on the field and that he will report everything he finds out.

Milović is interested in what the Serbian police officers are talking about over the phone, so he gets the answer:

"We are on a special channel, we don't have that channel, but a colleague from the car with Bako is on a direct connection, and he is in the headquarters"...

"Brother, I was now in front of the stadium. Now we're going to drive around there, but the entrance from the back, where the metal gate is, is held non-stop. In the cafe above the gym, 4-5 of the brothers are sitting at a table, in the gym where there is billiards or something like that ten of them are training", he sent to him around 19.30:XNUMX that night.

He also writes that they cannot enter the stadium, but to wait "only if Velja or Marko appear to be arrested. To report if we see them"...

Then Milović asks for confirmation that all the information he gave him is correct, but also if the police have information that Belivuk is with the team at the stadium. He also explains that Belivuk's source at the same time tells that Belgrader that they did not set out to arrest him...

At the time, Jovanović excused himself that he would never invent such things, but also explained that his colleagues do not have information, but assume that Belivuk and Miljković are at the stadium...

"Brother us, 4 teams and the supporting department of 7-8 cars, plus some from SBPOK are there that I haven't seen. They are just announcing that we are interrupting".

Answering Milović's question whether there are BIA officials on the ground, he says that they are "with a new Seat Leon".

“Brother, I'm really burnt out. Well, you know, if I were to invent or fool things, I'd say everything I knew, and I'd do it all for you, so I'd never put you down first in my life, let alone myself. Let them check, as far as I'm concerned, I've always told the truth and I stand by it. Let him check his source a little better. Now my colleague tells me that this is being done directly on the orders of the new head of the UKP Pušić and that they have been walking around the stadium for a couple of days, but today they included us, no one understands why," Jovanović sent that night around 20.15:XNUMX p.m.

The escaped policeman is interested in who Pušić is, so he gets the answer that it is the new principal UKP MUP, and right after that the two discuss whether there is actually no arrest warrant, but test Jovanović and his team to see if they will notify whom to take action.

"What do you think, if Baku is also testing us, whether we will report to whom for action, eh? Brothers, the entire service was almost brought out to the field to see as soon as he appeared if we could arrest him, if not let us know that those who were further away were starting him... It was as if they weren't sure that he was there, so they waited for us to tell us or something else was involved".

When Milović confirms to him that they are being tested, Jovanović asks: "What would they test us for, who should we report to? It applies to these too, huh?"...

Late that night, Jovanović sends again that something strange is happening, and that it is unclear to him how there were at least 50 people on the field, and that the operation was closed, and announces that he will check if they are being tested.

Belivuk and several members of his criminal group were arrested two months after that correspondence, on February 4, 2021.

A few days before that, the BIA deprived Belivuk and Miljković of their freedom at the Belgrade airport, after they disembarked from the plane that had flown in from Tivat.

Those two Belgraders were staying with Zvicer, and the Montenegrin prosecution claims that on January 22, by arresting members of the Škaljar clan, they prevented the liquidation of Belivuk and Miljković.

The public prosecution for organized crime in Belgrade accuses the Velje Nevolje clan of several monstrous liquidations.

The local Special State Prosecutor's Office initiated criminal proceedings against them for the most serious crimes.

Bonus video: