VDT: Complainant provided with a confirmation of notification of complaint

"On November 8, 2024, the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office informed the complainant that a statement had been obtained from the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Pljevlja and it had been determined that, due to the defendant's residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia... a decision had been made to transfer criminal prosecution to the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia..."

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Photo: Luka Zeković
Photo: Luka Zeković
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Supreme State Prosecutor's Office (SPO) announced that Violeta Peković was provided with a confirmation of notification of the complaint.

The State Prosecutor's Office stated this in response to Peković's claims that she never received a response from them.

We are publishing the VDT statement in its entirety..

"In order to protect the status of the victim in the proceedings, the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office will not engage in a public controversy with the complainant about the work of the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Pljevlja, who was directly notified of the notification regarding the complaint, for which the complainant thanked her.

As previously stated in the request for correction of information, i.e. incorrect allegations, that the VDP is silent regarding the 'complaint sent to the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office on August 28 last year', the complaint against the work of the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Pljevlja regarding the criminal report filed by VP against a specific person from Serbia on August 28, 2024, was submitted to the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office on October 14, 2024.

On November 8, 2024, the Supreme State Prosecutor's Office informed the complainant that a statement had been obtained from the Basic State Prosecutor's Office in Pljevlja and it was determined that, due to the defendant's residence in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, in accordance with positive regulations and established practice in such cases, a decision had been made to transfer the criminal prosecution to the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia, before which, in the event of taking over the criminal prosecution, it could be carried out more easily and economically.

The complainant was simultaneously informed that for the above reasons it is necessary to wait for the decision of the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia on taking over the criminal prosecution, which circumstance has the character of a previous issue, because further action by the State Prosecutor's Office of Montenegro depends on it," the State Prosecutor's Office announced.

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