The State Audit Institution (DRI) found that the State Archives has outstanding payments of 113,86 thousand euros for a special contribution for professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities, as well as that it paid 13.109 euros for lost court cases, and on that item it is planned only euro.
The supreme audit gave a positive opinion on the financial operations of the State Archives, and the audit of regularity gave a positive opinion with attention. This is because the business was not aligned with last year's law on the budget and with the law on professional rehabilitation and employment of persons with disabilities. Senator Branislav Radulović headed the collegium for the preparation of this revision, while the other member of the collegium was Senator Radule Žurić.
The SAI stated that the debts for the unpaid contribution for professional rehabilitation refer to the period from 2011 to 2016.
It was recommended to the State Archives, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance, to ensure the implementation of the law on professional rehabilitation and to plan expenses for court cases based on realistic projections, and in accordance with the records of court cases against them.
"Money for the payment of expenses for court disputes should be planned in the budgets of consumer units so that consumer units are able to make payments according to legally binding decisions within the legal term", is the recommendation of the SAI.
The recommendation to the State Archives is to adopt an internal procedure that will more closely regulate the procedure for calculating, controlling and recording the costs of using archival materials and services by departments of the State Archives with clearly defined powers and responsibilities.
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