Ana Vujošević: Administration for inspection affairs before the reform, 321 employees worry about work

Ana Vujošević, director of the UIP, said that this move by the Government is legitimate but also unexpected. She stated that they have not yet had a dialogue with the executive authority regarding this process and that they are wondering where the 321 workers will be employed in case of reorganization.

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From the press conference, Photo: Mirko Kotlaš
From the press conference, Photo: Mirko Kotlaš
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.
Ažurirano: 22.01.2024. 15:22h

The Directorate for Inspection Affairs has 321 employees who are now worried about their fate and jobs, because the new government plans to reform this state body.

This was announced at the press conference on the occasion of the shutdown - decentralization of the Directorate for Inspection Affairs (UIP). UIP director Ana Vujošević said that the Government's move was legitimate but also unexpected. She stated that they have not yet had a dialogue with the executive authority regarding this process and that they are wondering where all 321 workers will be employed in case of reorganization.

The government recently announced in Information that it wants to reform the UIP, that is, the existing centralized model and establish a new decentralized one. According to that document, it will be possible to exercise the responsibility of both the inspection and the relevant minister for the situation in one area.

Vujović also stated that the winter tourist season is ongoing, during which a larger number of inspectors work, and that the question is how the supervision will be carried out during the upcoming summer season. She added that in the information on the Government's website, it is written that this Administration was not efficient enough. As she says, she does not agree with that and believes that they have achieved significant results.

She emphasized that they did not receive the information about the reorganization through official means, but read it on the Government's website. Vujošević claims that the current model is effective and that he believes that the reforms planned by the government will not happen. She said that in December, during the talks in the Government, there was no reform plan, and that then it was only said that the UIP must be strengthened in terms of personnel.

"In the neighboring countries, a single body is still in force, within which inspections work," said Vujošević.

Vujosevicphoto: Mirko Kotlaš

She said that she will do everything possible to protect the workers and that if there is a reform, it will be an extremely long process. She stated that she wants to see analyses, concrete steps, and that the UIP cannot be disbanded overnight.

"There would be a collapse of the information system," she stated and emphasized that cooperation is crucial.

Assistant director Darko Rašović added that the analysis is necessary and that without it, it would be a hasty decision. Rašović emphasized that in most countries this body is independent and that with this decision, departments would gain greater control over inspections.

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