The public enterprise for the management of the marine resource is waiting for the urban planning and technical conditions (UTU) from the Municipality of Ulcinj, and from the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property for amendments to the state site study (DSL), in order to fully complete the work on the ground floor arrangement of the Great Scaffold below Old town in Ulcinj.
This was answered by "News" from Morski dobr to the question why this important project was not realized this year either.
It is a space of 4.500 square meters.
This attractive location also has a parking space for locals and tourists this summer, after Morsko dobro broke the deadlines for the realization of the project on several occasions in the past two years. Work on the project, which costs around one million euros, began in 2022 and was originally supposed to be completed in 2023.
The tender was announced in two lots in July 2021. The estimated value of the public procurement for lot 1 is EUR 669.421,49, and for lot 2 EUR 132.232 excluding VAT.
After conducting the tender, the company concluded a contract for lot 1 in February 2022, as they state, with the most favorable bidder - the company "Erlang", the contracted value of 669.378,48 euros, and lot 2 with the bidder "Hipering" of the contracted value of 92.451,60 euros, not including of VAT.
"We note that the works for batch 2 on the final stone cutting works by the bidder 'Hippering' have not started, that is, the contractor has not created the conditions for starting the works, which was stated by the expert supervision. It was not introduced into the work by expert supervision due to inadequate stone, i.e. the method of installation", it was clarified from the state company that completed the work on lot 1.
Morsko dobr said that in the plan for the use of funds and the public procurement plan for the year 2024, activities are planned for the further reconstruction of the Great Pier.
"They include the execution of works on the reconstruction of the Great Scaffolding, the third phase in the amount of 100.000 euros, which refers to the protection of the plateau itself from the impact of waves with interventions on the plateau and the performance of works on the permanent rehabilitation of the foundation of the Great Scaffolding plateau in the amount of 500.000 euros. For these works, money has been allocated for the preparation of project documentation, and the same can be realized after receiving the UTU from the Municipality of Ulcinj, in accordance with the decree on the transfer of competence for issuing the UTU from the line ministry to local self-government", said the company.
Morsko dobro sent the request to the Municipality on January 10 of this year, and then the emergency on April 19.
The state-owned company pointed out that on several occasions in the past, they approached the relevant Ministry with an initiative to amend and supplement the DSL sector 63, with the intention of providing for the expansion of the Kacema harbor breakwater through the planning document.
"After learning that a decision on amendments to DSL sector 63 is being prepared, in the second half of last year the company submitted proposals for supplementing the program task, which were accepted and became an integral part of the program task - planning of underwater engineering facilities - thresholds for protection of the Velika Skela from the impact of waves, extension of the breakwater of the Kacema port for greater functionality, regulation of access to the slipway for pulling out boats at the southern end of Mala Plaža and planning for the construction of a new substation near the Velika Skela", say Morski Dobr, from which they believe that the adoption of DSL - a lot of problems in this zone will be solved.
The Ministry of Spatial Planning told "Vijesta" that a draft of the DSL plan had been prepared and submitted for opinions to the authorities for technical conditions.
"After the collected positive opinions, there are activities to determine the draft plan by the Government of Montenegro and the implementation of the Public Hearing. Then follow the activities on the preparation of the Report from the public discussion and the preparation of the Plan Proposal, which is submitted to the Government of Montenegro for adoption", the Ministry clarified the procedure until the final adoption of amendments to the DSL, which will have to protect authentic cultural and historical urban entities, the environment ...", they said in this department.
It was confirmed to "Vijesti" that they had received the requests of the Maritime Dobr regarding the Great Scaffolding.
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