Former director of the Public Enterprise for the Management of National Parks (NP) Vladimir Martinovic (URA) announced criminal charges regarding the Government's decision to dismiss him from that position.
Martinović told "Vijesta" that the data on the operations of the state enterprise on the basis of which he was dismissed have been replaced, that is, that in the decision on the dismissal, the data on operations from the year 2022, when the company recorded a loss, were presented as the business result in 2023.
According to the financial reports published on the website of the Tax Administration, in 2022 NP were in the red by more than half a million euros (581.884 euros), while last year they ended with a plus of 20.334 euros. The company received a positive opinion from the auditor for 2023.
Martinović managed the company since November 2022.
The government dismissed Martinović at the session on September 5, and appointed a new director of NPCG Marinelo Đuretić. The replacement of Martinović was proposed by the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North Damjan Ćulafić (Democrats), and the decision was signed by an example Milojko Spajić.
In the explanation of the dismissal, which was published on the Government's website, Ćulafić stated that the public interest was threatened by the operations of NP, and as a key reason he stated that this company operated with a loss of 581.884 euros last year, while in 2022 they had a plus of 20.334 euros. .
The data from the work reports available on the company's website for the last two years show that the figures have been replaced, that is, that the company was in the red in 2022 by 580, while last year it ended with a profit of more than 20.000 euros. The years and data regarding net sales revenue were replaced, so instead of 3.713.013 euros for this year and 1.893.823 euros for 2022, it says the other way around.
"Vijesti" asked Ćulafić why he proposed this dismissal, why the information in the document sent to the Government was replaced with last year's information, whether the information was falsified, but the answers did not arrive by the time the issue was closed.
Incomes for nothing were a record
Martinović said that last year was the best year for NP in terms of revenues, and that they have doubled compared to 2022. He also stated that this year's income is already six percent higher than in the same period last year in 2023. He announced that he will also file a criminal complaint against those responsible, and that the reason for his dismissal was his unsuccessful work, i.e. incorrectly compared income from the last two years.
"If it is a random permutation, as a result of hastily removing politically unsuitable personnel, then it is obvious what degree of ignorance and irresponsibility is involved in the current executive power. If, on the other hand, it is a matter of deliberately permuting the figures, then it is clear to what level of arrogance the current executive power has reached, which apparently believes that the reasons for someone's dismissal, even if there are none, can be constructed. Anyway, I will look to protect my rights in court. When I finally received the decision on the dismissal, I could not believe that those who apparently worked on it quickly and without argument, were not even able to correctly read the statement about the overall result of the NP document from which they used the data in the explanation," Martinović pointed out. .
Among the data in the explanation that coincide with the work reports, it is stated that NPCG allocated more than 3,69 million euros for salaries last year, which is about one million euros more than in 2022, when 2,7 million were allocated.
Martinović emphasized that the reason for this is the signing of the collective agreement at the end of 2022 and harmonization with the Law on Wages, which he claims was mandatory because they have more than 250 lawsuits from workers, due to this non-compliance since 2016.
In the explanation for his dismissal, it is written that the NP has to protect the public interest and that the negative business trends are undermining it, which is why it was suggested to the Government that Martinović be dismissed immediately.
"Reasons for the dismissal of the director of NP, net sales revenues were reduced by 2023 euros in 1.819.190 (in 2022 they amounted to 3.713.013 euros, in 2023 they amounted to 1.893.823 euros); the loss in 2023 after taxation was EUR 581.884 (in 2022, the realized profit was EUR 20.334); gross salary costs increased from 2,7 million euros (what they amounted to in 2022) to 3,69 million euros (what they amounted to at the end of 2023); other business expenses increased from EUR 286.161 (the amount in 2022) to EUR 460.095 (the amount in 2023); net profit in 2022 was 521.254 euros, and in 2023 it was 23.058 euros; cash on accounts in 2021 amounted to 802.130 euros, in 2022 it amounted to 579.749 euros, and in 2023 it was 325.100 euros; the average number of employees increased from 307 (in 2021) to 346 (in 2023)," the explanation reads.
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