As of today, the sale of plastic bags is partially prohibited, so citizens will no longer be able to buy light bags with a wall thickness of 15 to 50 microns in markets and other sales facilities. Only bags thinner than 15 and thicker than 50 microns will be used.
In addition, it will no longer be possible to buy single-use plastics, including ear sticks, cutlery, plates, straws, food containers made of expanded polystyrene...
These are some of the novelties introduced by the Law on Waste Management, which was adopted by the Parliament on April 4 this year. The law officially entered into force on April 20, but the implementation of the ban on plastic bags with a thickness of 15 to 50 microns has been delayed for six months, so as well as the ban on the sale of single-use plastics, it officially starts today.
Part of the merchants told "Vijesta" that citizens will get free bags thinner than 15 microns in the fruit and meat sectors, while those thicker than 50 microns will be available at the checkout, but will be more expensive than now.
According to the regulation adopted by the Government ten days ago, sellers will pay a fee of three cents for bags thicker than 50 microns per piece. The fee will be calculated on the basis of the monthly report on the amount of bags, which the seller put into circulation.
From tomorrow, it is prohibited to sell ear sticks, forks, knives, spoons, chopsticks for eating and mixing drinks, plates, straws, sticks for holding balloons, food containers made of expanded polystyrene, as well as containers and glasses for beverages, made of single-use plastic. of the same material.
The Ministry of Ecology previously clarified that the goal of passing the Law is to create a cleaner and ecologically sustainable Montenegro, that it complies with the highest European standards, and that it brings a modern, efficient and sustainable framework for waste management.
Fruit in smaller bags
The shopping chain "Voli" clarified that bags thicker than 50 microns will be significantly more expensive in their stores, but that they have not yet established the prices, while those thinner than 15 microns will be free.
"In the offer, there will be potosach bags that are over 50 microns thick and bags that are thinner than 15 microns and that, according to the law, must be placed only at the place of product packaging (fruit and vegetable sectors and meat sectors). Bags under 15 microns will be free as they are now, and consumer bags over 50 microns will be significantly more expensive than current prices. At this moment, we cannot publish information about their price, because it is in the process of formation", they pointed out from this market chain.
When asked whether these measures will create a financial burden for them, considering that they have to purchase more expensive and thicker bags, they emphasized that along with the Law, a Regulation was also passed that defines the environmental tax, which will be calculated on the basis of reports on the monthly sales of bags, and to expect it to be published in the Official Gazette in order to have precise information on the method of collection and detailed procedures.
They also confirmed to "Vijesta" that they purchase the bags from domestic manufacturer "Garmin" and importer "Micromedia".
They added that paper bags and paper bags are already available.
"Paper bags have been available in supermarkets for several years in which you can pack appetizers, stone fruits, etc., and in the fruit sector, plastic bags up to 15 microns, which are allowed by the new Regulation, will be available. Cegers have been available in our markets for years, and we have previously organized campaigns to give away cegers on several occasions, in order to encourage customers to reduce the use of plastic bags, in order to protect and be responsible for the environment. Consumer paper bags in two dimensions are continuously available in addition to paper bags," pointed out the "Voli" trade chain.
"Vijesta" was told by the "Idea" market that they will respect the law and offer only what is in accordance with the provisions in the sales facilities. They did not specify from whom they procure plastic bags, but they said that they are domestically produced, and that they will use bags up to 15 and over 50 microns.
"When it comes to packing fruit, we note that even now bags with a thickness of less than 15 microns are used, and this practice will continue. Legal regulation dictates that bags that are branded may not be charged, that is, that those that are not can be charged. When it comes to the use of plastic containers, only those allowed by the Law on Waste Management will be used, since not all types are excluded by the same. "Environmental protection is one of the priorities in the socially responsible business of 'Idea', and in the context of the application of this law, additional focus will be placed on environmentally friendly materials," the company pointed out.
They also stated that one of the examples of their responsible actions is the cancellation of printed copies of the action catalog, i.e. the complete transition to the digital version, and that they are committed to respecting the law and preserving the environment.
"Vijesti" asked all major domestic retailers how much the new bags in their stores will cost, how they will be displayed, what is included in the new measures and whether they will comply with them at all, but the answers did not arrive from the "Naša trgovina" chain by the time the issue was closed. and "HD Laković".
The shopping chain "Megapromet" will also withdraw the old bags, and they announced that they will use new bags with a thickness of 51 microns.
They pointed out that they will pack the fruit in paper packaging, which they will soon introduce, while in the near future they will replace plastic packaging with biodegradable materials.
"We will charge the bags at the price invoiced to us by the bag manufacturer, because with the current significant reduction in margins, this additional cost would be very negative for us. We will charge the bags at a price of ten cents. For now, we will only have bags of 51 microns, while bags of a smaller thickness will not be in use", they told "Vijesti" from "Megapromet".
They added that they purchase bags from domestic manufacturers and distributors, i.e. of the company "Micromedia" from Podgorica.
The procurement costs will be higher for them as well, and they point out that it is impossible to charge for every bag, or at best half of them, which will be a big cost with, as they say, a low margin anyway.
"We have been offering bags for our consumers for a long time, for almost three years, and we sold them at a minimum price of 80 cents, because in that way we recommended citizens to slowly stop using plastic bags, but we did not succeed to a large extent because old habits are difficult change", they stated from "Megapromet" and added that they will continue with that campaign.
The editors did not receive any answers from the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North, which is headed by Damjan Ćulafić, and they did not answer how the waste bags of foreign manufacturers are treated, nor how many microns these bags are, nor whether their price will increase. .
Some have been using cegeres for a long time
In addition to merchants, "Vijesti" reporters also asked the citizens of Podgorica about the bags, who, along with the rest of Montenegro, will use thicker bags or bags from tomorrow. One of them, Drita Žiga, said that she has been using ceger for a long time.
"As for that, I welcome it. I don't think we will do anything with that to clean the planet. "Montenegro has taken a good step, but only if the citizens adhere to it," she said.
Jovana Vukčević from Podgorica welcomed the decision to reduce the use of bags, which, in her opinion, pollute the environment enough.
"It's a great initiative, I'm just not sure that the environmental issue is in the minds of our society. I would like it if we all paid more attention to the environment. Here, as you can see, unscrupulous citizens throw trash and bags into rivers, but also on green areas. I am not overly optimistic, but I would like to develop awareness of environmental protection," she said.
Marko Taušan stated that there is too much garbage in the city, especially in the parks.
"The use of bags should be reduced. I use bags, but I would like to get into the habit of using bags in the future," emphasized Taušan.
Ceger is used by Vukica Knežević, who pointed out that it serves her to carry groceries and other necessities.

"I think it's a great decision to limit the use of bags. We are inundated with them. Everywhere you go, you only see bags that do not perish. Whenever the level of the Morača River drops, you will see the bags as if they were New Year's decorations," she said.
Knežević clarified that paper bags are used more abroad, and "plastic bags are very rarely".
"They even charged them well, which surprised me. They charge because their use is not recommended”.
Fines go up to 40.000 euros
Fines for non-compliance with the rules regarding the thickness of plastic bags range from one thousand to 20.000 euros for companies, while companies that do not comply with the measures for single-use plastic can be fined from 1.000 to 40.000 euros.
Fines for citizens are identical in both cases, from 500 to 2.000 euros, while entrepreneurs will have to pay from 6.000 to XNUMX euros for the same offense.
On the other hand, disobeying the rules for responsible bags in companies and municipalities can cost from 20 to 1.000 euros, while those who do not follow the rules on single-use plastic are subject to a fine of 1.000 to 4.000 euros.
Along with "Vijesti" tomorrow, there will also be a ceger
Readers of the daily newspaper "Vijesti" will receive a reusable bag designed by Milena Đurđić as a gift with the purchased copy of the newspaper tomorrow.

The action, on the occasion of the beginning of the application of the Law, was organized by "Eco-fond", the Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North and the Environmental Protection Agency.
"The goal of the action is the promotion of environmentally sustainable solutions and alternatives to the use of plastic, in accordance with regulations that prohibit light plastic bags and single-use plastics. Ceger, as a product, represents a practical, long-lasting and environmentally responsible replacement for plastic bags, and by using it, we contribute to the reduction of plastic waste, the preservation of natural resources and the creation of a healthier environment for future generations", announced the "Eco-Fund".
They also emphasized that they support all activities that encourage the adoption of ecological habits and promote sustainable waste management, and that they invite all citizens to take up the responsibility and contribute to the fight to reduce plastic waste.
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