The coal mine leased an asphalt base in the Pljeval village of Bušnje

"With the asphalt base, we will round off a whole with an additional opportunity to employ people, because it will be one of the new businesses we will start," said the executive director of the Pljevlja Coal Mine, Nemanja Laković.

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Laković and Keković, Photo:
Laković and Keković, Photo:
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The coal mine leased an asphalt base in the Pljeval village of Bušnje, which is owned by the company Vektra Jakić, for a period of fourteen months.

The lease agreement was signed by the executive director of the Pljevlja coal mine, Nemanja Laković, and the bankruptcy administrator of the company Vektre Jakić, Dejan Keković.

"This is how we solve another of the primary problems of the municipality with the largest network of local roads in Montenegro. Due to the lack of an asphalt base, the local administration in Pljevlja delivered asphalt from other places in the area at twice the price, due to high transport costs and loss of quality," he says. in the announcement of Rudnik Ulja.

The signing of the lease agreement continues the implementation of the recently presented Coal Mine Business Transformation Plan, which will provide additional jobs and promote the entrepreneurial spirit in Pljevlja.

"With the asphalt base, we will round off a whole with an additional opportunity to employ people, because it will be one of the new jobs we will start," Laković pointed out when signing the contract.

The increase in capacity of the asphalt base will be ensured through additional overhaul and modernization of the plant.

The President of the Municipality of Pljevlja, Dario Vraneš, recently said that the opening of an asphalt base in Pljevlja would make it easier for them to procure asphalt and speed up the asphalting of rural and urban roads.

The municipality currently buys asphalt in Podgorica or other places in the area, at twice the price, due to high transport costs.

"Whoever is the owner of the asphalt base in Bushnji, we will buy asphalt from them. In Pljevlja, we have a huge problem that we do not have an asphalt base, so we are forced to bring asphalt from other areas. A ton of asphalt in Podgorica costs 77 euros, and because of transport, we in Pljevlji we pay around 155 euros, which means that we pay more than double the price for a ton of asphalt in Pljevlje than in Podgorica or somewhere else," the first man of the city told "Vijesta" earlier.

He also points out that asphalt loses its quality when it is delivered to Pljevlja, due to the long distance from where it is brought.

Asphalt base in Bušnje worked for years as part of the former Pljevan company Građevinar, founded by Podgorica businessman Dragan Brković.

"We have an asphalt base in Pljevlja that has not been working for years. That base has a good capacity and it produces 35 tons of asphalt in one hour. It was repaired by the Slovenians in 2019 and is now preserved. It has a good aggregate. It has all the permits and has worked for about thirty and several years in Bushnje. It is unacceptable that we have an asphalt base in Pljevlje and we cannot use it," Vraneš said.

The president of the municipality says that the local administration intends to buy machines for asphalting, paver and rollers, which would significantly reduce the costs of asphalting municipal roads.

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