Bjelasica is still in the dark, problems are piling up

In addition to the already existing property tangles, a new dispute with the owner of the land stopped the rehabilitation of the transmission line in Kolašin.

The burning pole of the power line was not repaired, because the owner of the land, Milo Grujić, did not allow the CEDIS team to approach his property and replace that part of the infrastructure yesterday due to an ongoing court case.

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Yesterday at Milo Grujić's estate, Photo: Dragana Šćepanović
Yesterday at Milo Grujić's estate, Photo: Dragana Šćepanović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The state ski resort Kolašin 1600, the Broadcasting Center and the military facilities on Zekova glava, as well as the Klisura tunnel, do not yet have electricity. The electricity supply to those facilities was interrupted in the first half of November when the cables, buried on private plots in Bjelasica, at Kolašin 1450, were broken.

Plot owners Srđa Anđelić i Ilija Popović until yesterday, they did not reach an agreement with the state regarding the way to resolve property relations, so for now it is uncertain when a regular electricity supply will be established. The wooden pole of the Kolašin-Mušovića Rijeka transmission line, which caught fire a few days ago, is more of a problem. The pillar is in the yard of a private house in that village, and the owner Milo Grujic yesterday he did not allow the team of the Montenegrin Electricity Distribution System (CEDIS) to come to his property and replace that part of the infrastructure, because of which, as he says, he is in a multi-year court dispute with the company.

Three 10kV cables and one 35kV cable leading to the "Jezerine" substation (TS) were torn out by excavators, allegedly, during preparatory work on a private plot. When CEDIS tried to repair the fault, it was discovered that that part of the infrastructure is not the property of the company, and the owners of the plot claim that they neither know how many cables there are nor where they were buried. They also say that the expropriation was never carried out, so until that work is completed, they will not allow the electricians to connect the lines.

The expropriation has been under negotiation with the owners of the plots, where the electric lines were torn out, for two weeks already by several government departments. The last meeting on that topic was held on Monday, December 2, at the premises of the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property. According to the minutes of that meeting, which "Vijesti" had access to, the estimated value of the property to be purchased from private individuals in Bjelasica is 205 euros per square meter. At the meeting, it was stated that "in the next period, the Government will make a decision on determining the public interest in the expropriation of immovable property, in order to create the conditions for the laying of cables for the purpose of building the electric power infrastructure, which were interrupted in the previous period".

As Anđelić told "Vijesti", the owners are asking the state for "written proof that the expropriation will really be completed at the proposed price".

"We need written proof so that we don't have to wait years for expropriation. We cannot allow cables to be laid on the "word of honor". We haven't received that written proof yet, I don't know when it will happen," Anđelić told "Vijesta".

At the meeting in the Ministry, as written in the minutes, the "representative of CEDIS" said that the company was ready to withdraw the criminal charges it had filed for cutting cables against non-governmental entities, "if an agreement is reached regarding enabling connection by these natural persons".

About 230 meters of cables on private plots are allegedly still the property of the Capital Projects Administration, i.e. the Ministry of Finance. As they unofficially told "Vijesta" in CEDIS, at the end of 2020, when the company purchased the Jezerine substation, it did not also purchase the 230-meter long line, which was interrupted. Allegedly, proper documentation (construction and use permit, geodetic survey of the cable...) was not submitted for that part of the infrastructure.

According to unofficial information from "Vijesti", the state is preparing to expropriate, in addition to parts of Popović's and Anđelić's plots, parts of three more, one of which is owned by the MN group, and the rest are owned by Ski resort Kolašin 1450. The reason for this, according to information from "Vijesti ”, the fact that currently CEDIS cannot reach TS Jezerina, because the access to that facility is interrupted by a garage, which is being built by the state. The total value of the expropriation, according to the price of 205 euros per square meter, should be close to 400.000 euros.

And Grujić is seeking in a court case compensation for damages due to a pillar erected in the middle of the last century on his property. As "Vijesti" previously wrote about, his life was in danger several times due to the broken wires of the power line pole, he claims. Yesterday, Grujić told Vijest "that he remains of the position that he can only "deal" with CEDIS in court.

He says that in 2020 Elektroprivreda "firmly promised him that the entire overhead line of that transmission line will be removed, so that an underground cable line will be built from TS Breza to the small hydropower plant (MHP) "Rijeka Mušovića".

CEDIS teams tried yesterday to replace the dilapidated, recently burned wooden pillar with a new concrete one. However, even in that case, more property problems got in the way. Grujić did not allow access to his property, and part of the land, on which they intended to place a new pillar, although it is formally state property, it turned out, is also the subject of a court dispute. The basic state prosecutor's office declared itself incompetent for that situation, so the CEDIS workers left without completing their work. As they claim, they came to the field with the order of the competent inspector, who demanded that the transmission line be made operational.

Bonus video: