The president of the Montenegrin Regulatory Agency for Energy and Regulated Utilities (REGAGEN), Branislav Prelević, was elected president of the Association of Mediterranean Energy Regulators (MEDREG) for the next two-year period.
In that position, he will be supported by three vice-presidents, the permanent vice-president of MEDREG and the president of the Italian regulator ARERA, Stefano Besseghini, the president of the Regulatory Authority for Hydrocarbons of Algeria, Rachid Nadil and the board member of the Jordanian Regulatory Commission for Energy and Minerals, Mohammad Maayah.
Taking over leadership from his predecessor Abdellatif Bardach, Prelevic said at the meeting of the MEDREG general assembly, held today in Brussels, that we live in a time of intense energy transition and that thanks to new technologies, the world is changing faster than ever before.
"New circumstances represent a huge challenge for energy regulators, new diagrams of energy production and consumption require new business models. The transition to zero emissions involves radical changes to the model on which energy is produced or consumed and requires the joint efforts of a significant number of participants, including governments, decision makers, energy entities, consumers and regulators," said Prelevic.
According to him, nowadays, cross-border interconnections are and will be a key element in achieving the goals of the energy transition, including the ambitious goal of zero emissions by 2050.
"At the same time, non-European Mediterranean countries are working to create competitive energy markets and achieve renewable energy production targets. "Cooperation between these countries and the EU will be important for achieving these goals," said Prelevic.
In the new mandate, activities aimed at strengthening the regulatory capacities of MEDREG members will continue through personalized support dedicated to the promotion of renewable energy sources and clean technologies, with a focus on green hydrogen, in order to realize the trans-Mediterranean energy initiative.
The exchange of best regulatory practices will also continue with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions, encouraging the efficiency of power systems and improving regional market integration.
In addition to the election of a new presidency, the General Assembly elected heads of working groups from Italy, France, Portugal, Morocco, Egypt and Turkey and adopted several studies and recommendations with the aim of encouraging the adoption of common standards throughout the Mediterranean countries, in order to accelerate the energy transition, protect vulnerable consumers and strengthened security of supply.
Prelevic told the Mina-business agency that MEDREG is an association of energy regulatory agencies of all countries surrounding the Mediterranean. It brings together 28 regulators from 23 countries, which include the European Union (EU), the Balkans and North Africa.
Due to the fact that the competencies of the regulators are identical or very similar in all jurisdictions, MEDREG deals with improving the work of all members individually, or a certain group of countries. There are always regulators who have advanced more in some matters than others, and their experience is then transferred to others who want to accept it," Prelevic said.
In addition, joint action creates a synergistic effect in dealings with some international institutions.
"Thirdly, MEDREG has a kind of database and information, analysis and expertise, which are available to all members. MEDREG has permanent working groups that continuously deal with certain topics such as prices, quality of service, attitude towards consumers and the issue of independence of regulatory bodies", announced Prelevic.
Explaining the procedure for electing the president of MEDREG, he said that it is an association of regulators of all countries surrounding the Mediterranean.
"Given that we want to achieve a balance in leadership, so that it does not happen that European countries, which are more numerous than African ones, for example, are always in a position to vote for a president from Europe, a two-stage procedure is applied, i.e. the president is elected alternately from European and non-European countries", said Prelevic.
In one mandate, which lasts two years, two vice-presidents from Europe are elected by the vote of all members from among several candidates.
After two years, a new vote is held and the president is elected, with the candidates being only two vice-presidents from Europe who were elected in the previous mandate.
"At the same time, vice-presidents from non-European countries are elected, from among whom the president will be elected in two years. Two years ago, I was elected one of the vice-presidents in a secret ballot. The second vice-president was from Greece, and at today's session of the general assembly, I was elected president for the next two years", added Prelevic.
When asked what his election means for him personally, REGAGEN and Montenegro, Prelevic replied that MEDREG is an influential organization, given that the members of the general assembly are the presidents of regulatory bodies.
"The EU guarantees through its procedures that experts, proven professionals who are guaranteed independence from ruling structures and political parties are chosen as members of the agency's board. As such, regulators enjoy reputation and respect. To be elected president among those professionals is an honor, the greatest professional honor. It is a recognition for me and for the Agency, because all my results are directly dependent on the help of my colleagues", said Prelevic.
Also, as he said, his election confirms that REGAGEN is a respectable member of MEDREG, adding that sometimes it seems to him that the results of its work are more appreciated internationally than in Montenegro.
"So, being the president is first of all a matter of reputation. In addition, MEDREG has a significant influence on multinational, governmental and non-governmental organizations, influence on strategic solutions, it is at the center of events in the creation of new policies and the like", explained Prelevic.
Prelevic, speaking about MEDREG's plans in the coming period, in which he will preside over it, stated that MEDREG, due to certain circumstances, gets a very important role.
"First of all, the war in Ukraine is turning Europe towards some other oil and gas markets. Some North African and Middle Eastern countries could replace a significant part of the gas coming from Russia. Second, the European Green Plan envisages that by 2050 at the latest, all energy will be obtained from so-called CO2 neutral energy sources, that is, from wind, solar energy and hydrogen. In this aspect as well, it is expected that some countries of the southern Mediterranean could make a significant, or rather, necessary contribution," said Prelevic.
The role of the regulator in this case would be crucial, considering the approval of huge investments that would connect the northern and southern Mediterranean with gas pipelines or transmission lines, thus connecting the two energy markets.
Harmonization of regulatory regimes, according to Prelevic, is necessary in case of merger of these markets.
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