USSCG demands inspection supervision in "Bemaks": Employees informed us about massive violation of fundamental rights

The request was sent to Srđan Simović, the chief labor inspector

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Keković, Photo: Luka Zeković
Keković, Photo: Luka Zeković
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG) sent the Labor Inspection in the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Dialogue a request for inspection at the company "Bemaks".

They sent the request to Srđan Simović, the chief labor inspector.

"Dear Mr. Simović,

The Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro was contacted anonymously by the employees of Bemax DOO Montenegro (formerly Genex.CG), who informed us about the massive violation of the basic rights of employees in that company, such as: unpaid overtime and work on public holidays and religious holidays; denial of the right to annual leave; failure to deliver a copy of the employment contract and payroll; failure to respect the rights of employees prescribed by the Europe Now and Europe Now 2 programs; conclusion of a fixed-term employment contract contrary to the provisions of the Labor Law, etc., is highlighted in the Request for Inspection Supervision, signed by Srđa Keković, Secretary General of USSCG.

In the request, it is added that "given that we consider all the aforementioned illegalities, if they are true, to be a drastic violation of fundamental human and labor rights, we ask you to carry out an extensive inspection control in order to verify the accuracy of the allegations and protect employees in exercising their rights from work and based on work".

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