EKIP organized a workshop dedicated to electronic communication infrastructure

The aim of the workshop, which was organized by EKIP on Tuesday in the Podgorica hotel, was to get acquainted with the problems that electronic communication operators encounter in the process of developing networks and infrastructure and solving them.

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Electronic communication infrastructure in the context of the legal framework and actions of competent authorities was the topic of the workshop called Together on the same task, which was organized by the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Activities (EKIP).

The aim of the workshop, which was organized by EKIP on Tuesday in the Podgorica Hotel, was to get acquainted with the problems that electronic communication operators encounter in the process of developing networks and infrastructure and solving them.

EKIP said that the workshop gathered 50 participants, among whom were representatives of the ministries of spatial planning, urbanism and state property and economic development, local governments and utility companies, Monteput, the Engineering Chamber of Montenegro and electronic communications operators.

"The Law on Electronic Communications with relevant regulations, the Law on the use of physical infrastructure for setting up high-speed electronic communication networks, as well as the Law on spatial planning and the construction of facilities in the context of electronic communication infrastructure with a focus on the new competences received by EKIP in the field of building electronic communications were presented. communication infrastructure, the need to pay attention to the preparation of planning documents and urban technical conditions that they contain a part related to electronic communications, as well as to the obligation that before the start of the preparation of project documentation and the construction of the infrastructure, the local government and investors inform the operators in order to include in the coordinated construction and joint use of the same", it is stated in the press release of EKIP.

Special emphasis was placed on uneven, ineffective and complex procedures in the construction approval process, as well as uneven application of the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Buildings and relevant regulations regarding the procedures for setting up temporary buildings.

EKIP's Geoportal was also presented, which is an indispensable tool in the process of planning and construction, as the only comprehensive source of data on electronic communication infrastructure.

The workshop is a continuation of the process started in April last year, when EKIP organized a workshop called EKIP and municipalities on the same task in order to protect the existing electronic communication infrastructure, networks and radio corridors, treatment of electronic communication infrastructure in the process of planning and construction of facilities, joint use and coordinated construction of electronic communication and other infrastructure under equal conditions for all interested operators, procedures for the construction and installation of elements of electronic communication networks, and the degree of coverage of the territory and population of Montenegro with broadband Internet access.

During the workshop, the representatives of the operators mentioned a number of problems they face when building electronic communication networks and infrastructure and said that it would be important if they spoke in order to smoothly develop the electronic communication network and provide services.

Representatives of local self-governments showed an understanding of the needs of operators, as well as a willingness to consider the possibility of overcoming existing problems.

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