Co-owner of the Simo Milošević Institute from Igalo, Žarko Rakčević, whose company "Vila Oliva" holds 27,4 percent of the shares, told "Vijesti" that he will follow with interest the announced possible merger of shares of the state and another group of small shareholders in order to reach two-thirds ownership.
A group of small shareholders of the Institute gathered around the Montenegrin Association of Small Shareholders (CAMA) started today in an organized way to list the shares of this company on the stock exchange at a price of 100 euros per share.
The state has 56,4 percent of the Institute's shares, "Vila Oliva" 27,4 percent, and other small shareholders a total of 16 percent of the shares. The state lacks 10,2 percent of shares for two-thirds ownership and thus independent decision-making in relation to important decisions, such as the restructuring plan, recapitalization, sale of assets,...
Rakčević was previously prevented from buying part of the Institute's shares through a block trade.
"It's not good, it's not Brussels, to violate the laws or to prevent the market and free formation of prices and trading of shares. It is the free will of the shareholders to sell or buy shares on the stock exchange at a price they think is realistic. I will follow with interest the legal action and the possibly hinted unification of the majority and the actions of minority shareholders who strongly and loudly opposed the privatization of the Institute.At the same time, they will secure a two-thirds majority for the adoption of the Institute's restructuring plan, which will be privatized as a first step - sell it Soliter, Children's Department, Department E and the main building of the first phase of the Institute. After that, the ownership of its land will finally be returned to the Institute and then, according to the Restructuring Plan, the land will be sold and apartments will be built behind Tito's villa, and a mixed-use facility or shopping center will be built on the Institute's parking lot. "All in the name of public interest, saving the Institute and health tourism. We will not support such a plan of restructuring and 'saving the Institute,'" said Rakčević to "Vijesta".
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