The Central Bank planned to make a profit of 2,6 million euros next year, according to the financial plan of the supreme monetary institution for 2019, which was submitted to the Parliament and the Government for review.
The financial plan was prepared, among other things, on the basis of the execution of the financial plan for nine months of this year, the projection of the expected average balances of placements and deposits, forecasting of movements on the international financial market, the expected volume of payment transactions and the number of executed transactions and projected revenues based on state auctions records.
"The non-achievement of the planned net profit for 2019 can be influenced to the greatest extent by movements on the international financial market and their effect on income, i.e., expenses from financial assets (negative interest rate on deposits and negative returns on securities) as well as recording the costs of provisions for expected credit losses according to IFRS 9," the financial plan says.
Total revenues for the coming year are planned in the amount of 15.770.400 euros and are 11 percent higher than this year's plan, and 3,17 percent lower than the projection of revenue by the end of this year. CBCG expects EUR 20 million from interest on securities (12,38 percent of total planned revenues). He expects EUR 11,52 million from operating income and other income, and the largest income from that item is compensation with EUR 79 million or XNUMX percent of the total planned income.
On the expenditure side, it is planned to spend 13,16 million euros. That is seven percent more compared to this year's plan and three percent more compared to the projection of execution by the end of this year.
"Business costs are planned at the level of 11.877.400 euros, which is nine percent more than the plan for 2018, and six percent more than the estimate of execution by the end of this year. These costs consist of compensation costs, employee costs, administrative costs, operational business costs and other business costs. Employee expenses are planned in the amount of 8.585.280 euros, which is 10 percent more compared to the plan for 2018, and seven percent compared to the projected execution by the end of this year. These costs make up 65 percent of the total planned expenditures," the CBCG plan states.
On November 1 of this year, 361 workers were employed in the CBCG.
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