12 lists were submitted for participation in the local elections in Kotor, announced the Municipal Election Commission (MEC).
The secretary of the MEC, Maja Mršulja, told the Mina agency that the Democratic Party of Socialists, the Social Democratic Party, the Social Democrats of Montenegro and the Party of Serbian Radicals submitted their lists for participation in the local elections.
Lists were also submitted by the Democratic Front, Socialist People's Party, Demos, Democrats, Liberal Party, Croatian Civic Initiative, Positive Montenegro and the URA Civic Movement.
Mršulja said that the political parties submitted their lists in accordance with the Law on the Election of Councilors and Members of Parliament, and that the necessary documentation was duly submitted.
As she added, the lists were submitted to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MUP) in order to verify the credibility of the signatures of support.
"We have to wait for the confirmation of those signatures from the MUP, after that the lists will be formally confirmed at the MEC session," Mršulja said.
Local elections in Kotor will be held on October 16.
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