The reaction of Russian politicians, MPs and "patriotic" experts to the invitation to Montenegro to join NATO is "the height of absurdity and irresponsibility", Kommersant writes.
In the commentary of the newspaper "Looking for the enemy becomes a national pastime", it is written that there is already talk of future sanctions, suspension of investments and, perhaps, a ban on tourism".
"One member of parliament has decided to say everything he thinks about Montenegro, calling it an absolutely non-independent state, which does not even have its own currency. I am afraid that in the coming days we will hear many more similar 'beautiful' characteristics about the Slavic, Orthodox state, where always treated Russia and Russians in a friendly manner," the text states.
"Kommersant" states that by threatening Montenegro with harsh reactions, the Russian MPs are "entering into an obvious dispute with logic".
"Until now, no country joining NATO has faced any Russian discriminatory measures. Neither Croatia, nor Albania, nor Bulgaria, Hungary, Slovenia or Slovakia a little earlier," Kommersant writes.
"What kind of sanctions? What kind of bans? France, Italy, Spain, Greece have been members of NATO for a long time, but no one is saying that investments in those countries are prohibited or recommending tourists not to fly there. And now they remembered Montenegro. Once again yes are advertising on a victorious patriotic theme. To show that they are great protectors of national interests, greater than the presidential administration, where they are in no hurry to announce any measures against Podgorica," the comment reads.
It is also stated that the paradox of the anti-Montenegro campaign, which is getting stronger, consists in the fact that this country, joining NATO and the EU, will most likely become one of Russia's lobbyists, an opponent of sanctions and a harsh Polish-Baltic approach.
"But those who advertise on political topics do not care about those geopolitical calculations. They rarely bother with the calculations of the consequences of their initiatives even two steps ahead," the comment reads, and it is added that the more dire the threats of the deputies, the sooner they will receive a higher rating of one acts of voters.
"Everything else is a side effect. It should be solved not by MPs, but by diplomats. It is they who will have to clear up the piles of negativity that remain in bilateral relations with this or our country after the hasty initiatives of our parliamentarians. Who, like no one else, know how to needs create a new enemy for themselves (and for all of us). In this case, from the country that is almost the most Russophile in the world. The only question is: for what?", says the Kommersant comment.
This morning, Montenegro was invited to join NATO and become the 29th member of the Alliance, after the heads of diplomacy of the member countries agreed on the invitation.
The Secretary General of the Alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, opening the meeting of the heads of diplomacy of the member states at the headquarters of the Alliance in Brussels, stated that the open door policy of the Alliance aims to spread stability, security and democratic values and congratulated Montenegro, which was accompanied by strong applause.
However, the chairman of the Russian Defense and Security Committee, Viktor Ozerov, soon stated that Russia will suspend joint projects with Montenegro if that country joins NATO.
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