Democrats: Nikšić should get city status

According to Nemanja Vuković, some of the key goals of their election program are for Nikšić to get the status of a city, to provide favorable conditions for the arrival of investors, to solve environmental problems, among which the landfill Mislov has a priority

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Photo: Democrats
Photo: Democrats
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The coalition "Peace is our nation - We will not give Nikšić" presented an election program which, in their opinion, is superior to the programs of other political parties and coalitions.

Nemanja Vuković said that the program, which is a comprehensive document and certainly the most superior program on the political stage, includes 60 plans for the recovery of Nikšić.

"It is a comprehensive document in which all key, burning problems are listed and targeted and concrete solutions are offered. We are sure that no party, no list has such a document and this is something for which we believe that we will have great support from the citizens of Nikšić Vuković said.

According to him, some of the key goals of their election program are for Nikšić to get the status of a city, to provide favorable conditions for the arrival of investors, to solve environmental problems, among which the landfill Mislov do has priority.

"We want a Nikšić where people will work, where they will create, where young people will come and not leave head on. We want a Nikšić that develops, progresses and offers everyone equal opportunities for development, progress, and employment. superior program, because of the honorable, honest people with knowledge who make up the list of the coalition, we are sure that we will win," said Vuković.

The coalition "Peace is our nation - We will not give Nikšić" consists of Democratic Montenegro, the Civic Movement "We will not give Nikšić", Demos, the Party of Disabled Pensioners and Restitution and "Plenum 083".

Ksenija Milović, from Demos, presented, among other things, a part of the program related to culture and youth.

"Nikšić has an infamous title - number one is youth alcohol consumption, gambling and drug use. In our program, we offer the construction of a youth cultural center, because there are a large number of buildings that can be used for this. One of the ideas is a youth card that will allow certain discounts and will aim to stimulate the youth to visit cultural facilities. Everything that happened in Nikšić, and that it was good, was on the backs of a few dozen enthusiasts. That will no longer be the case because together we will return to Nikšić what it had it belongs," Milović said.

She referred to the rich cultural tradition of the city under Trebjes, of which, as she claims, unfortunately nothing remains.

"Literary evenings are organized as recitations for the closest circle of relatives. We will create such an environment that we can once again be a role model, to bring back writers, writers, creators, to end the stone city's chaos and to make Nikšić's Stonehenge one of the locations that will attract tourists", Milović said.

She pointed out that Nikšić once had two theaters, and that today the Nikšić Theater employs 70 workers, of whom only three are actors, recently three employed actors, not a single costume designer and other cultural workers. Milović also spoke about the future tourism valorization of the city, which they offer.

"Culture loses when unemployment is high, that is, when the economic situation is devastating. We will 'raise' both culture and the economy and we will not make any sensation out of it, because that is normal and that is extremely necessary for a city like Nikšić , that we no longer talk about the 70s, which were the happy years of Nikšić. We will talk about the year 2021, which is a new beginning and all the years that come after it," said Milović.

Mićun Milatović, from "Plenum 083", said that the superiority of the coalition's election program is primarily reflected in the fact that the idea of ​​public interest is put into focus, not as an abstract category, but as a "concrete realization of care for every citizen".

"Each Montenegrin city that does not have a stable economic base functions practically as a suburb of the first one, in this case the Capital City. We advocate decentralization not in the normative sense, but for a real essential decentralization as a form of democratization that would in that sense represent an economic reality Milatović said.

He pointed out that the municipality of Nikšić was deprived of the right to charge compensation based on the resources located on its territory.

"We believe that it is necessary to change this so that the resources located in the territory of this municipality serve all the residents of this city, and not individuals or certain holes. We are also in favor of the rationalization of workplaces and in this sense we particularly point out the burden on the municipal budget. Let me mention that a total of 16 secretariats, administrations, directorates, and services were formed, while the Agency for Design and Planning was formed by a special decision, founded by the Municipality of Nikšić. directly from the budget of the Municipality. The structure of the employees is problematic. We have witnessed that, in essence, the current systematizations are not based on the real needs of the work process, but were in the service of party employment, according to the one employee four votes system. We are determined to establish a new model of cooperation, instead previous practices of exclusively public-private partnerships, where the problem of managing city resources is solved through the tycoonization of those resources," said Milatović.

The coalition "Peace is our nation - We will not give Nikšić" in the local elections in Nikšić, which will be held on March 14, is led by the vice-president of the Democrats, Momo Koprivica.

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