Knežević: Spring will arrive in Nikšić on March 14

He can promise that when he comes to power, he will check all diplomas and the way they were obtained, especially those who work in local government and the police.

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Photo: Svetlana Mandić
Photo: Svetlana Mandić
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

"This year, spring in Nikšić comes a little earlier, on March 14, between 20 and 22 p.m. How will you recognize it? Very simply - by the butterflies in your stomach and a wave of euphoria. What to do? Hug your neighbor, toast each other to the future of Nikšić ", said at the press conference the doctor Milan Knežević from the movement "For the life of Nikšić", a movement which is appearing in the upcoming local elections as part of the coalition For the Future of Nikšić.

He talked about the seventies and eighties of the last century when it was nice to live in noble Nikšić, a city that "lived, worked and built itself, but also Montenegro".

"Then Kumrovak students replaced their leather coats and red sweaters with expensive Italian departments, Swiss watches, armored German cars with tinted windows and for 30 years cut down the branch we were sitting on. They destroyed the pillars of our society, which are family and home education, school and the education system, the health and social protection system, and sport has been reduced to an amateur level," he said.

Milan Knezevic
Milan Knezevicphoto: Svetlana Mandić

According to Knežević, the economic giants by which Nikšić was recognizable are devastated and resemble the scenes of the Battle of Stalingrad.

"After all, today they have the nerve and morals to ask for your trust on their European journey. Once again they underestimate you and insult your intelligence, and their European journey is similar to the South African and South American dictatorships of the XNUMXs and XNUMXs. The consequences of their dictatorship are similar invasions by Mongols, Huns and Avars," said Knežević.

He said that he will not make unrealistic promises, but that he can promise that when he comes to power, he will check all diplomas and the way they were obtained, especially those who work in the local government and the police.

"Our victory in the March elections is certain - clean as the water from the Vidrovan springs, firm and strong as the hand of Novak Đoković and will blow the DPS like a northerner from Vojnik straight into the arms of some new prosecutor's office, some new Montenegro that we are getting used to," said Knežević .

Doctor Mirko Varajić said that we are witnessing daily attacks by "DPS experts" against the current epidemiological measures and those who implement them, although, as he said, the previous government's measures, which were discriminatory, are to blame for the current situation. It is hypocritical, as he said, that their members demand the resignations of those in charge, and that their prominent members demand measures every day.

"It is also hypocritical that while on the one hand they were writing fines to citizens for not wearing a mask, their members who were covid-positive walked freely around the city, came to work regularly, and some of them even gave statements to journalists," Varajić said.

Mirko Varajić
Mirko Varajićphoto: Svetlana Mandić

It is also hypocritical, as he said, that the police units "preventively beat peaceful citizens and threw tear gas at them, justifying themselves by fighting against covid", on the other hand, the police provided security for patriotic-Comite gatherings, "waved and applauded them, turned off the cameras, although convicted and well-known criminals were present at those gatherings"

"While the doctors from this movement were accused of violating epidemic measures, while the inquisitor's court is ready for us, while the court of honor and the revocation of licenses are ready for us, all because we led one of the many unrepeatable lithia at which it was present, according to according to the data of their police and their media, only a few thousand people, at a time when the number of infected people in Nikšić was in the single digits, on the other hand, their leaders publicly called for patriotic-Comite rallies, the largest of which was the one in Podgorica when they celebrated their defeat in the elections on August 30, where, according to their police and their media, over 50 thousand people were present, where members of the National Coordination Body and high representatives of their party and the government at the time were also present, and after that gathering the number of people positive for the corona virus jumped suddenly, it didn't occur to them to call any of them to account," said Varajić and added that the decisions of the then government were only in favor of their party, and not in favor of the citizens.

He called on the citizens to trust both the coalition for the future of Nikšić and the policy makers, because "even though they are not able to provide us with vaccines in the number we would like, at least they have provided us with the justice that from November anyone who suspects that they are positive can be tested , unlike the time when they limited the number of tests to ten per day per health center and thus faked the number of infected".

Doctor Dejan Bajović said that for the past three decades, DPS has declared itself the defender of everything and everyone.

"First they defended peace with war, then they defended Montenegro from Serbia and Russia, and finally they defended it from the so-called crazy movement. This was an attribute that was reserved for hundreds of thousands of people who walked, peacefully and dignifiedly defended their rights the only canonically recognized churches in Montenegro. They defended the Montenegrins from Njegoš, they defended the tricolors that once adorned the court of Petrović", said Bajović and added that the DPS in Nikšić "defended the factories from the workers, and the barracks from one father in Danilovgrad".

Dejan Bajović
Dejan Bajovićphoto: Svetlana Mandić

According to him, the Democratic Party of Socialists mostly defended its privileges, real estate, bank accounts and state concessions.

"Now on March 14, we will circle number four and tell them that we no longer want them to defend us. We will defend ourselves - with health and reason, with the truth, with our work, with the Montenegrin spirit. That's why we don't need their teams and their routes to Europe," he said. is Bajović.

As he said, the coalition for the future of Nikšić will ask for support from intellectuals because it is not academic to remain silent and suffer injustice, from workers in order to save existing and open new jobs together, from young people because the future belongs to them above all, and from pensioners, in order to give back to them economic security and human dignity that were taken away from them.

"We will ask for support from members of all confessions because the church of St. Basil, the Hadži Ismail mosque, and the cathedral in Rastoci are our holy places and our cultural heritage. If Montenegro is a common house, then Nikšić is our room in it, big enough and spacious enough for everyone," said Bajović.

Uglješa Urošević, a professor from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Science and one of the founders of the "For the Life of Nikšić" movement, said that in that movement they gathered around the idea of ​​changing the social environment in Nikšić and Montenegro, an environment that reduced knowledge and profession to the lowest possible branches.

"We did not do this because we need jobs, because we all have jobs and we all work. We did this so that those who have competences could finally use their competences and apply the knowledge and expertise that they could not apply until now, because they were prevented , because they were not eligible for the party, they were not recognized by the field. We are doing this in order to give a chance to all those who have expertise and knowledge to finally get a chance to show it," said Urošević and added that the new administration in To provide all the help and knowledge to Nikšić.

Ugleša Urošević
Ugleša Uroševićphoto: Svetlana Mandić

Mr. Krsto Stanišić, doctoral candidate in theological sciences, said that in the movement "For the life of Nikšić" there are experts, reliable and honorable people, ready to help Nikšić. He said that the representatives of the coalition are in negotiations with certain cities in order to achieve cooperation in the field of culture and science with European cities of similar size, according to the principle of former sister cities, and that the citizens of Nikšće will feel the benefits of these partnerships.

Krsto Stanišić
Krsto Stanišićphoto: Svetlana Mandić

"In order to achieve such cooperation, it is necessary not only for the coalition for the future of Nikšić to make maximum efforts in achieving this cooperation, but also for all employees in public city institutions to understand their work as a household, to work not only for a salary, but for the city and fellow citizens. with such a homely, proactive attitude towards the city, I am sure that the thirty-year decline of this city will be stopped and that Nikšić will flourish and become one of the most desirable cities for living and working in Montenegro," said Stanišić.

In the photo, you can see that one of the epidemiological measures - the distance of two meters - was not respected.

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