The fact that the Municipality of Herceg Novi is the only one in the country that has the privilege of having two Day Centers for children with developmental disabilities on its territory is not used in an adequate way, because there is no coordination and cooperation between these two institutions, said Marela Savić, a candidate for councilor with of the "Real New - Freedom in Our Hands" list.
Savić pointed out that the Day Center for Children with Developmental Disabilities, which functions in the Children's Home "Mladost" Bijela, with a capacity of 15 places, accepts children aged 6 to 18 years, and that this institution, which was founded by the local administration, could also be intended for young people, ages 18 to 27.
"If this solution were to be accepted, in the new facility, which was built for the needs of this institution in Sutorina, a special day care center for people with developmental disabilities over the age of 27 could also function. In this way, they would help a large number of families" Savić concluded.
The holder of the list, Milan Zarić, said that the personnel from their list, from the field of social policy, have a program and a solution for childcare.
"The verified personnel of the list "Real New - Freedom in our hands" from the field of social policy, on the basis of existing resources and understanding of problems, have a program and solution for caring for children, single parents, caring for pensioners, the elderly and the infirm and improving the overall social picture Herceg Novi", concluded Zarić.
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