The Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the leaders of the Democratic Front to clearly state if they believe that Montenegro is not on the right path, and that the country's goal is not membership in the European Union. Otherwise, as they said, it is difficult to find a reasonable explanation for yesterday's announcement by the DF.
The Ministry says that the department has so far and will continue to implement foreign policy with clearly established foreign policy priorities, guided by the interests of the entire society, without political or any other form of discrimination, and that they are particularly proud of that.
"Our goal is that Montenegro, as a full member of the European Union and a stable ally of NATO, achieves good regional relations and continuously improves regional cooperation. We believe that these three goals of foreign policy go beyond the framework of any party or government. When we draw the line, it is crystal clear - these are our national interests and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, led by Minister Radulović, will make every effort to achieve the set goals".
The MFA reminded that the basis for the formation and work of the Government, and thus of that department, is the valid Agreement for European Montenegro, which was signed at the beginning of September by the holders of the three lists that won the majority in the parliamentary elections - Zdravko Krivokapić, Aleksa Bečić and Dritan Abazovic.
"As the leaders of the DF are aware, the parliamentary majority has committed itself, through its electoral list holders, that the Government of Montenegro, i.e. the MFA, will responsibly implement all international obligations that the state has undertaken, strengthen and improve cooperation with NATO and quickly , fully and committedly implement all the reforms necessary for the full membership of Montenegro in the European Union. Additionally, although it is known to the public, but it is not a bad thing to mention, in order to prevent the further spread of incorrect information, the MFA and the minister Radulović, elected by the parliamentary majority, Constitution and laws, implements the established foreign policy of the Government of Montenegro," said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
DPS, as they said, does not have a deed to the established priorities of the Government, nor is it politically responsible to observe it in the manner announced yesterday. "The Ministry cannot be trusted with the continuity of the DPS policy, because the full membership of Montenegro in the EU, we are sure you will agree, is not the political priority of one political entity, but the foreign policy interest of Montenegrin society, which strongly supports this process, with over 80% support according to the latest research."
The MFA said that, unfortunately, from the DF's announcement, one can sense the identification of foreign policy with certain political entities, as well as the attitude that such a policy should be avoided. "In short, this would mean that Montenegro should be diverted from the path of EU integration, which the Ministry, as well as Minister Radulović, will not accept, and it would represent a direct violation of the previously mentioned Agreement," the announcement states.
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