Inefficient actions of local self-government bodies, ineffective accountability mechanisms and unproductive work processes in the local government system are the main features of the thirty-year rule of the DPS and its old and new satellites, when it comes to organization and management in Prijestonica, said Danilo Mrvaljević, holder of the list of Democrats in Cetinje.
Mrvaljević said that the functionality of the local administration is at a low level, which causes large costs for citizens and the economy, and that the party's employment policy has led to the impossibility of hiring professional staff, but also to negative staff selection, which further ruins the image of the public sector in the eyes of citizens. .
"Local administration is burdened by chaos in institutions and non-transparency in work. Bad systematization of workplaces, adapted to the party wishes of the DPS, rather than real needs. Lack of support when employing persons with disabilities in local government bodies. Local economic development is not planned in a strategic way There is no Office for Youth, which would continuously deal with the creation and implementation of youth policy. For years and decades, nothing has been done to resolve the housing issues of employees..." said Mrvaljević.
He said that with the comprehensive, seriously, thoroughly and expertly prepared Program of the Democrats for the Capital, in the part of the organization of the local administration, they plan to shape the public administration according to the principles of the European model of administration.
"In this sense, administrative structures, procedures and administrative culture will be based on the principles of the European model of administration. The Democrats advocate for the introduction of a service-oriented concept of work in local administration. The citizen should be the controller and initiator of the work of local administration. The Democrats will provide professional, professional and "a responsible administration in the service of all citizens - an administration that will be responsible for implementing regulations and achieving results in work. Such a system will ensure legal public tenders and motivate honest and professional staff to engage in the public sector of the Capital," the announcement reads.
Mrvaljević states that he will create the conditions for the introduction of an electronic government model, based on European principles and the application of modern information technology, and advocate for the formation of efficient local administrative service centers, which will be at the service of citizens and act in relation to their initiative, and within the prescribed period. .
"Local administration will be based on the principles of maximum administrative and fiscal transparency. All administrative acts and reports on administrative actions must be published on the website. After the complete inventory, we will create a register of all assets, debts and claims of the Capital, and we will place special emphasis on real estate and public spaces with data on their status and form of use," said Mrvaljević.
He announced a new systematization of jobs, which, he says, will be the result of a serious analysis and adapted to the real needs of local administration, and not to the wishes of parties and individuals.
We will form an Office for Local Economic Development, which would perform a communication and advisory function, but also a function in the domain of providing support for financing and strategic development planning. We will form an Office for Youth in order to continuously create and implement youth policy and provide support to youth initiatives and projects and find ways to finance them. We will actively work to solve the housing issues of employees in the Capital City and public services, institutions and companies that are managed by the Capital City," the announcement reads.
Mrvaljević concluded that knowledge and ability will be the basic employment criteria, not a party card, and that he will advocate for complete and consistent depoliticization, partisanization and professionalization of local administration and public services.
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