Master of European Integration Nusret Balić from Bijelo Polje has officially confirmed that he will run as an independent candidate in the upcoming presidential elections scheduled for March 19, in front of the "United Nations" group of citizens.
Balić, who is otherwise a member of the Municipal Board of GP URA, told "Vijesti" that in the time of very pronounced political and social polarization, as well as the strengthening of nationalism led by political elites, which for almost thirty years have been shaping the opinion of a society that has the problem of being dominantly profiled as civil, Montenegro needs leaders who will stand up for and promote universal values that especially relate to: social justice, equality between people, general peace, as well as responsibility towards the environment. Balić points out that these are values that Montenegro needs today more than ever.
"Actually, one of the motives of my candidacy as a politically independent candidate, dependent only on the citizens, lies in the fact that with my candidacy I want to show the citizens that it is possible to have a president who lives in a country that has a large number of identity differences, which I see as an asset, and not as a problem, and that I will be someone who will inherit multiculturalism, who will protect the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and who will treat all peoples living in this geographically small area as friends, and not as enemies of the state," said Balić.
Another reason for his candidacy, he emphasized, is to liberate citizens from the influence of many political parties that do not allow their citizens freedom of thought, reflection and action within that system, but with their centralist approach they want to impose those views that suit only individuals at the top of the party or political hierarchy.
"As a result of such a policy, we have a situation where, after thirty years of rule by certain political elites and parties, we are again choosing between two dominant candidates, that is, two political blocs. This is just an indicator of how slowly the citizens' consciousness changed during this period due to various pressures and blackmail, and according to the carrot and stick principle. I want to be an alternative to all citizens who are dissatisfied with the current way of conducting politics, and there are many of them," he said.
"In addition to that, the best indicator is the constant emigration of the population, where it is estimated that about 150.000 citizens have left Montenegro in the last thirty years, and unemployment, which currently amounts to slightly more than 46.000, and the rate of registered unemployment is about 20 percent. I think, and I firmly believe, that at this moment the best solution for Montenegro is to get an independent candidate for president who will be the guardian of the Constitution, who will cooperate with any government that is formed as a result of freely expressed the will of the citizens, and which will work in the best interest of Montenegro. It is not good for democracy to allow political parties to dominantly control the electorate, to impose candidates that the citizens do not want, as well as to control the position of the president of Montenegro. As president, I would especially advocate and make every effort to ensure that during my mandate Montenegro fulfills all political, legal and economic criteria, that is, becomes a full member of the European Union," said Balić.
Behind him, he emphasized, is not the support of the East or the West, the mafia or the rich, but only free citizens.
"That's why I call on all citizens with the right to vote, regardless of which political party they belong to, and who trust me, to provide support in the coming days in the form of collecting signatures, so that I can officially submit my candidacy to the State Election Commission," said Balić.
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