In the municipality of Šavnik, 191 fewer voters have the right to vote in the presidential elections than in October last year, when the local elections were held - which have not yet ended.
While the leader of the opposition coalition "For the Future of Šavnik", led by the Democratic Front (DF), Gavrilo Cerović, points out that this is an indication that they were right all along when they pointed out that "election tourists" flooded Šavnik, the current president of the Municipality and the holder of the list led by the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Jugoslav Jakić, believes that the "hunt" had the effect of reducing the number of voters.
The elections in Šavnik began on October 23, when they were held in 13 municipalities, but they were not completed, because members of the polling committees from the "For the Future of Šavnik" coalition did not allow some of the newly registered voters, who they claim were rewritten to support the ruling DPS, to vote.
"Unfortunately, there are only 13 fewer voters in Kruševice, and there are certainly 30 more who have nothing to do with Šavnik, and are on the list in that village. A new law on residence was passed in December and the Ministry of Internal Affairs was ordered to conduct field checks on the residence of certain people. We provided them with a list of over 150 names of people who have nothing to do with Šavnik. I wonder why the office of the Directorate for Administrative Affairs, Citizenship and Foreigners is not doing its job and why these people are still on the list," said Cerović for "Vijesti".
He reminded that there were 2020 voters in the 11 elections in Kruševice, last year 58, and now 45. Although, as he points out, "Savnica election tourists" cannot influence the final result of the presidential elections, the moral principles to which it seems, have been trampled. according to him, DPS doesn't care.
"If DPS had any moral values, those people would have moved away. But for them it means that they would have an advantage in Šavnik. They duly deregistered these people from the polling stations where the elections were held, and in Kruševice and Šavnik there are still people on the list who have nothing to do with this municipality. And in the town itself, there are probably 50 more that need to be removed from the list," Cerović claims.
At two polling stations, in the building of the Municipal Assembly and in the village of Kruševica, where 541 voters have the right to vote, voting was held on nine occasions, the last time on December 18, after which the Municipal Election Commission there could not agree on repeating them. At the polling station in the SO hall for the October elections, there were 483 voters on the list, while now there are 72 less (411). In the village of Kruševice, too, there will be 13 fewer candidates for the presidential elections compared to the local ones.
Out of 23 polling stations, only the village of Godijelja has the same number of voters in October as today, while only in the village of Slatina the number of voters is higher for the presidential elections, compared to the local ones, by one voter.
The current president, Jugoslav Jakić, believes that the presidential elections in Savnik will be completed properly on Sunday, and he also expects that the state authorities will take all measures provided for by law to end the election story that began on October 23 last year.
"How much is the hunt for these people, is anyone left in Šavnik?" If they managed to miraculously achieve that election victory, probably very soon no one would be left. I and the party I belong to have not jeopardized the electoral process by any action, and it will be the same in the future. We hope that the state authorities will respond to all these developments very soon. We see that trials have already been scheduled in connection with the obstructions that occurred during the entire election process," said Jakić to "Vijesta".
As he pointed out, he, as the President of the Municipality, is most interested in the smooth functioning of the local administration and that they implement all the tasks for which, according to him, they have received the trust of the citizens.
"Whenever they decide to complete the local elections, or the state authorities force them to do so, we are ready to complete this election process," said Jakić.
However, the members of the Municipal Election Commission are not ready, and they still cannot agree on the continuation of the elections. As MEC president Šavnik Dušan Radanović told the "News", the same situation was repeated at yesterday's session - four members were in favor of repeating the election, and four, from the opposition, abstained.
According to the election results so far, the opposition coalitions have 121 votes more than the ruling alliance of DPS and Social Democrats (SD).
So far, dozens of people have been prosecuted before the judicial authorities for the events related to the elections in Šavnik, which included numerous incidents, including physical conflicts.
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