The selection of ambassadors must be a high-quality and professional process, and the goal of the Government and the President is that personnel solutions are those that will represent the interests of Montenegro in other countries, that is the conclusion of the consultation on foreign policy, which was held today by the President of the State Jakov Milatović, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanović.
Continuation of the conversation and decision-making on this topic will follow in the further procedure, and after a detailed introduction to the president of the state with the presented proposals, it is stated in the joint statement of the cabinets of Milatović and Spajić.
"We remind you that the consultations of the president with representatives of the Government are of vital importance for the foreign policy of Montenegro, especially bearing in mind that it is necessary to additionally speed up the process of EU integration, strengthen the position in the NATO alliance and intensify regional cooperation," the announcement reads.
They said that one of the topics of today's consultations was the coordination of institutions in the coming period when it comes to external goals and international events.
At the meeting, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was tasked with preparing information on Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in 2026 and 2027.
Ivanovic stated after the meeting that the meeting was constructive.
Spajić said three days ago that the ambassadors will be appointed very soon and that consultations with the president of the country will also be held on that occasion, which was not the case before.
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