Radović: Administrative inspection to urgently enter the Municipality, illegal adoption of the Strategic Plan

"It is clear that this is a gross violation of the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Regional Development of Montenegro and the Rulebook on the Methodology for the Development of a Strategic Plan for the Development of Local Self-Government Units," Radović said.

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"Chief administrator illegally scheduled a public hearing": Krsto Radović, Photo: Vuk Lajović
"Chief administrator illegally scheduled a public hearing": Krsto Radović, Photo: Vuk Lajović
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The Budva Democrats sent a request to the Administrative Inspection of the Ministry of Public Administration to carry out an urgent inspection in the Municipality of Budva, regarding the procedure for the preparation and adoption of the Strategic Plan of the Municipality of Budva.

"First of all, and as you are aware, the Government of Montenegro gave a warning to the Municipality of Budva to adopt, among other things, the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality within 10 days. You are also aware that Article 167 of the Law on Local Self-Government prescribes the obligation to hold public hearings on strategically important documents that are of importance to the local population, the duration of which must be at least 15 days, and for the sake of quality and comprehensive familiarization of the professional and lay public with the draft document. The ultimate goal is the active participation of the interested public and the submission of written suggestions and proposals to the interested public. In this particular case, the Chief Administrator illegally scheduled a public hearing on March 19 regarding the adoption of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Budva, which lasts only two days, on the 20th and on March 21, with the obligation to prepare a report from the Public Hearing on March 22, when a session of the Budva City Council is scheduled, where a document that does not exist and does not contain all the consents and opinions established by law should be considered. To make matters worse, I would like to inform you that the text of the draft was unavailable on the website of the Municipality of Budva on the day of the discussion. For these reasons, I personally attended the first day of the public discussion and took the draft in written form, which has 166 pages of text," emphasizes the leader of the Budva Democrats, Krsto Radović, in the application.

Radović emphasized that there is absolutely insufficient time and opportunity to study it adequately and to give observations and criticisms.

"It is clear that this is a gross violation of the Law on Local Self-Government, the Law on Regional Development of Montenegro and the Rulebook on the Methodology for the Development of a Strategic Plan for the Development of Local Self-Government Units, and I ask that you urgently and without delay take measures and actions and the competence of the Administrative Inspection. Further, the Rulebook on the methodology for the development of a strategic plan for the development of a local self-government unit clearly provides that the Strategic Plan has ten chapters, and elaborates in detail what each chapter represents and what conditions it must fulfill, so please take a look at the draft document itself and determine the factual situation in relation to the fulfillment of the conditions prescribed by the Rulebook", he pointed out and added:

"Lastly, but not least, the Rulebook in section 6. "Work of the consultative group" prescribes that the Consultative Group is chaired exclusively by the mayor of the municipality. According to my knowledge, the consultative group for the development of the Strategic Development Plan of the Municipality of Budva is chaired by the Chief Administrator of the Municipality, which is contrary to the regulations, so please check these statements as well. In the end, the Consultative Group itself does not contain the members provided for in the aforementioned chapter 6, so I urge you to review the fulfillment of that condition as well. I believe that you understand the reasons for the urgency of acting on this application and that you can potentially cause damage to the Municipality of Budva by not acting on this application if the Strategic Plan is adopted for which the legal procedures have not been fulfilled and without the active participation of the interested public", concluded Radović.

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