We are shocked by the statement of Neđeljko Rudović, general director of the Directorate for Media in the Ministry of Culture and Media, that the Ministry had no insight into the amendments to the media laws, since the Europe Now Movement club (PES) submitted its suggestions to the Government on April 30 in order to received the opinion of the European Commission, Vasilije Čarapić, president of the Club of Deputies of the Europe Now Movement (PES), announced today.
Rudović said last night on the Reflektor show on Television Vijesti that the Ministry of Culture and Media has never seen the amendments to the media laws sent to the European Commission (EC) by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić's Cabinet.
PES submitted the document "Proposal for amendments to media laws" which Čarapić sent to Minister of European Affairs Maida Gorčević on April 30 in front of the PES Deputies' Club.
The PES announcement did not state that the document was sent to the Ministry of Culture and Media.

"The explanation for this kind of deception of the public while at the same time sabotaging the work of his own government, degrading the integrity of our club and obstructing the obtaining of IBAR is simple - Mr. Rudović is obviously working for someone's personal interest, not for the public interest. This behavior of Rudović can only be characterized as party -politically, which is devastating considering the expectation of the entire public that civil servants work exclusively in the best interest of the state," Čarapić pointed out in the announcement.
He said that their suggestions on the draft law, which were adopted by both the Government of Montenegro and the European Commission, absolutely deserve to be an integral part of the bill, since they exclusively protect the public interest.
"If we take into account the fact that the media scene in Montenegro is such that all private media are either owned by entities whose headquarters are outside Montenegro or owned by insufficiently transparent structures, the space for foreign influence or inappropriate influence is huge, and in this context it is it is necessary to strengthen local public broadcasters and the national public broadcaster," said Čarapić.

He said that the reform of media laws cannot be to the detriment of the public interest and favoring the private, but, as he said, it is necessary to constantly strengthen the independence of the editorial policy of all media in accordance with the code of media ethics and EU standards, which, as Čarapić said, the only ideal that PES will ever represent in its work.

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