In the Shelter for abandoned pets in Podgorica, which is managed by the city company Čistoća, the situation is alarming, Miloš Mašković, member of the Social Democrats (SD) in the Assembly of the Capital City, announced today.
"According to the information at my disposal, dozens of dogs are fighting for their lives due to an epidemic, probably parvovirus, which often causes dogs to die in the worst agony. Cleanliness and the Veterinary Administration have still not announced anything, while the decision was made to ban visits to the Shelter, and a plan to combat the infection is being prepared by certain private veterinary clinics from Podgorica," wrote Mašković on the social network Iks.
He added that he is calling on Cleanliness and the Veterinary Administration to inform the public as soon as possible about the details of this case and whether all the activities that have been undertaken, if they have been undertaken at all, are in accordance with the House Rules Plan of the Vrela Ribnička Shelter for Abandoned Pets.
"Tomorrow, I will officially request information from Čistoća regarding the situation in the Shelter, but also about the number of dead pets, which, according to the information I received unofficially, is more than 20," said Mašković.
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