Parliamentary majority: Parties that will form the 44th Government to reconsider cooperation with the leading opposition

"Otherwise, this parliamentary majority will end cooperation with the parties that form the government with the leading parliamentary opposition"

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Detail from the Parliament of Montenegro, Photo: Parliament of Montenegro
Detail from the Parliament of Montenegro, Photo: Parliament of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Constituents of the parliamentary majority (PES, NSD, Democrats, DNP, SNP) agree that the parties that form or will form the 44th Government of Montenegro review coalition cooperation with the leading parliamentary opposition at all levels no later than the adoption of the budget for 2025.

"Otherwise, this parliamentary majority will end cooperation with the parties that form the government with the leading parliamentary opposition," the joint statement states.

This joint statement by the Europe Now Movement (PES), the New Serbian Democracy (NSD), Democratic Montenegro, the Democratic People's Party (DNP) and the Socialist People's Party was submitted by Democratic Montenegro.

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