A new twist in Budva: Mikijelj and PES propose that the Democrats nominate a candidate for the head of parliament

The continuation of the constitutive session is scheduled for July 30

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Photo: Media team
Photo: Media team
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Councilors of the coalition "For the future of Budva" led by Mlade Mikijelj and the list of the Europe Now Movement (PES) with the leader Predrag Zenović, a total of 11 of them, sent a letter to the leader of the Democrats and the leader of the list of that party Krsto Radović and Đorđe Zenović with the proposal that they will support the candidate for president The municipal assembly proposed by that party.

This is written in a memo that "Vijesti" had access to.

"In accordance with the decision of the Government of Montenegro, the continuation of the constitutive session of the Budva Municipal Assembly is scheduled for July 30, at which the President of the Assembly will be elected. We believe that it is of crucial importance that the aforementioned takes place in accordance with the applicable regulations and with the correct representation of the electoral will of the citizens of Budva," the memo reads.

They add that according to Article 45 paragraph 2 of the Law on Local Self-Government and Articles 56 and 57 of the Statute of the Municipality of Budva, the election of the President of the Assembly is carried out on the proposal of one third of the councilors, with a majority vote of the total number of councilors.

"We believe that it is necessary to achieve political stability and unity with the goal of the prosperity of Budva. That is why we, the signatories of this letter, are supporting the Democratic candidate for the President of the Assembly, believing in his ability to preside over the Assembly of the Municipality of Budva in a comprehensive and constructive manner," the letter reads. .

Therefore, as they point out, with the signatures of the councilors of the coalition "For the future of Budva-Budva an open city" and the coalition "Movement Europe now - Budva has a chance", we want to express our support for your list "Democrats - Strengthen, Renovate, Revive - Budva decides! - Đorđe Zenović" for proposing a candidate for the president of the Budva Municipality Assembly.

"Through supporting the candidate for the president of the Municipal Assembly, we want to contribute to the stability and efficient functioning of the local parliament, which will provide the basis for the establishment of the executive power to the general satisfaction of the citizens of Budva. We believe that the chosen candidate will act in the interest of the citizens of Budva, be guided by the electoral will and contribute to a better the future of the city", concludes the memo.

17 councilors are needed to be voted the president of the parliament. The deadline for the elections of the head of the SO and the Municipality expires on August 6.

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