The spokesman of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS), Miloš Nikolić, said that Saša Mujović, the holder of the list of the Europe Now Movement (PES) and Democrats in the local elections in Podgorica, "admitted in his new reaction that he lied to the public this morning, and then, after confessing and repenting, told a new lie".
Mujović said earlier today that Nikolić "continues with lies" and that the photo that was published was "manipulation of the DPS".
"So, let's start in order. Despite this morning's claims that he never had anything to do with the DPS, after I disclosed the photo from the party meeting, he admitted that he was at the meeting, but that he left the meeting before the end. It's good that we are slowly moving towards the truth and that Mujović admitted that he did attend DPS party meetings. What is not nice is that Mujović blatantly lies when he says that he left the meeting before the end, because there are more than 30 witnesses who will confirm otherwise." Nikolić said.
He also asked what to expect from a man "who is a member of a party that has a lie as the basis of its ideology".
"And whose president, Milojko Spajić, lies about his citizenship, residence, real estate and family, so that in the end he lied in front of all of Podgorica that he was in Brussels, and because of that he could not attend the prime minister's hour. Finally, Mr. Mujović, keep the minimum of integrity that you have had before entering politics and don't allow yourself to be recognized as a liar instead of as a university professor and dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering," Nikolić concluded.
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