The process of selling land in the city center to the company Lidl, which caused protests by some citizens, was characterized by lack of transparency during the entire process, said the list of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) "For Berane! With heart and knowledge! Dr. Miro Nedić!" and called on the President of the Municipality of Berana to publish the contract with that company so that the public can gain insight and offer a solution for its modification or termination.
"These days, the focus of the Beran public is on the problem of our fellow citizens, which occurred after the conclusion of the contract with the company Lidl. As a reminder, the councilors of the Democratic Party of Socialists, at the session scheduled under the emergency procedure held on December 26, 12, were against the adoption of the Decision on sale of construction land in the scope of DUP 'Lijeva obala Lim'.
During the session itself, we warned that it is pointless to sell land in the very center of the city, especially until a new mixed market is built, because a large number of sellers will be left without the opportunity to work," states the statement that the Beran DPS list submitted to the media.
They say that what their councilors warned about then, these days is getting an epilogue in the form of protests by market sellers and tenants of the land where their facilities are located.
"After the adoption of the senseless decision, which the representatives of the local government at the time called 'the best decision of all time', there followed a non-transparent sale procedure to the Lidl company, which was mentioned as a customer at the meeting of the Board of Directors before the decision on the sale was made, which may indicate the potential corruption of the local government at the time ", it added.
From the list "For Berane! Both with heart and knowledge! Dr. Miro Nedić!" they point out that the non-transparency of the procedure continued during the signing of the sales contract, which is still not available to the public today.
"As a responsible political subject, we will approach this problem seriously and professionally, taking into account our fellow citizens, and we call on the president of the Municipality of Berane to publish the contract with the company Lidl, so that the public can gain insight and offer a solution for its amendment or termination," it is stated. in the statement.
They also called on all political subjects in Berane to behave responsibly, so that the problem of their fellow citizens stopped being used to score cheap political points.
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