When we talk about Berane, the key goals of the election program must relate to economic development, i.e. to new investments and increased employment. This is the only way to stop worrying demographic changes, emigration of the population and economic stagnation, said Miro Nedić, holder of the DPS list "For Berane! With heart and knowledge!".
He said that this is a challenge for all political structures that aspire to exercise power in Berane.
"Of course, we must be aware that in Berane we will no longer have industrial giants as there were half a century ago, but the fact is that with small steps we can make big changes and change the living and working conditions in our city," Nedić is convinced.
Although it is obvious that the main infrastructure projects that are crucial for economic development, such as the construction of the second section of the highway or the opening of the airport, must be implemented at the state level, the municipal government has an extremely important role in creating a favorable business environment, in the development of local infrastructure and in part social policies, he assessed and said that these measures directly affect the economic development of the city.
Nedic presented measures to stimulate the development of the local economy and employment.
One of the measures is support for young entrepreneurs.
"We will provide support to young people who want to start an entrepreneurial venture, reducing administrative barriers and exempting them from certain local taxes and fees for newly established companies. We are also planning subsidies for renting office space in the initial stages of business to facilitate their first steps in business," he explained. is Nedic.
He also said that he will provide free education for entrepreneurs in key areas that will help them become more competitive on the market and improve their business.
"Through the organization of fairs and events, we will promote local entrepreneurs, which will attract the attention of both citizens and tourists visiting our city," he stated as one of the measures.
He also promised to work on improving the communal infrastructure, because quality services and an organized environment are key to a better life and a stimulating business environment.
Supporting small tourism initiatives is another important step.
"With subsidies for starting family hotels, we will support the creation of new jobs and the improvement of the city's tourist offer. We will actively promote our city as a tourist destination and invest in its promotion at the regional and international level," Nedic announced.
The holder of the DPS list also said that he will organize public works projects, such as cleaning of public areas, renovation of facades in the urban core, arrangement of promenades and the like, in order to create temporary and permanent jobs, but also to improve the visual identity of Beran. It will also promote social entrepreneurship.
"We will encourage initiatives that focus on the employment of marginalized social groups, through supporting business ideas or subsidizing jobs, which will contribute to reducing poverty and increasing social inclusion," Nedić pointed out.
He says he will also support environmental projects by considering the establishment of companies or by providing support to local initiatives related to recycling and energy production from renewable sources, which will open up new opportunities for employment and contribute to sustainable development.
"Although the municipal government has limited powers in relation to state policy, it certainly has a key role in creating a favorable business environment, improving infrastructure and encouraging economic development at the local level. Only through responsible work can we create the conditions for the recovery of Beran and the north of Montenegro, for the creation new jobs and improving the quality of life of our citizens," Nedic concluded in a statement sent to the media.
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