The scandalous information about abuses within the Ministry of Defense, announced by the Minister of Defense Dragan Krapović, which happened only two days before the 2020 parliamentary elections, leaves us with a series of serious questions, said Democrat MP Anđela Vojinović.
"However, what is even more shocking is the ominous silence of those who normally impose themselves as on-duty critics of everything they see as 'controversy' in Montenegro. Where are these 'guardians of democracy' now? Where are certain non-governmental organizations, political actors and individuals who do not they miss the opportunity to invent affairs, exaggerate and claim responsibility where there is none? Why are you silent, gentlemen? When it was discovered that 100 automatic rifles were taken from the military warehouses, tens of thousands of bullets, cannon shots and shock bombs, you chose to remain silent. Wasn't there enough material for your announcements? Isn't this case worthy of your attention," Vojinović said.
"I will remind you, the cameras in the Ministry of Defense were turned off, the documentation from the Intelligence and Security Directorate was mysteriously 'cleaned', the weapons ended up in the basements of the National Security Agency and in the hands of security-interested persons. Where are your condemnations? Where are your criticisms? Where has your noise disappeared? When there was no reason, you accused everyone who advocated for the reform of the security sector. And now, when we have clear evidence of abuses, you shut up. Why? Because you know this is the face of your political past - the face of the former regime that was ready to do anything to stay in power," she adds.
She asked why there is silence while abuses are being documented.
"While you remained silent, it was revealed that the Support Battalion had issued 30 automatic rifles and 16.380 rounds, the Training Center 70 automatic rifles, 7.560 rounds, 190 artillery strikes and 50 stun grenades, and the Special Forces Company 15 automatic rifles and 2.000 rounds. The weapons are ended up with the National Security Agency, Intelligence and Security Directorate and The Ministry of the Interior and security personnel. Is this a common practice two days before the elections? I ask you, gentlemen, why are you silent while such abuses are being documented? did you ever wonder what was being prepared in those days," asked the Democrat MP.
She said silence is complicity.
"And you, who remain silent, should ask yourself why you are not there today. The people see everything, and history remembers. It is time for the truth to be revealed and for all those responsible to answer for their actions. We continue on, because this is just another one of the dozen of discovered affairs," the announcement reads.
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