It's time for all those who made the defense system a private prey and a party training ground to answer before the law and the people, said the vice-president of the Democrats Dragana Kažanegra Stanišić.
"When we consider the way in which the former managers of the Ministry of Defense of Montenegro, members of the former brutal regime, performed their duties, an ordinary citizen cannot feel anything but disgust and anger. In the then army of Montenegro, an acceptable soldier was not the one who took the oath to the state and the people, but to the one who was "recognized by the field" or who was certified as politically loyal by the local DPS committee. Weapons and ammunition were handed out handily recruited party activists, not to defend the state, but to protect the electoral desperation of the regime that trapped the society in a web of corruption and fear parts and even hygiene products were part of the spoils – looted from the regime's 'buffet' of privileges.The generals, instead of serving the honor and defense of the state, advanced to ranks, serving the ideologues who turned the Ministry of Defense into a party cell, and the army into a political tool," she said.
He says that the "symbol of the collapse" of Montenegro has become those who were supposed to defend it. "With such, we never needed enemies - the destruction came from within".
Kažanegra Stanišić said that Defense Minister Dragan Krapović deserves "absolute support".
"His fight for the honor and reputation of the Army of Montenegro is not easy. It requires courage and consistency, which only dignified people like him show. Our army is a symbol of the pride and strength of the country. We must never again allow individuals to trample on its reputation. Those who today in the defense system they protect Mil's generals, party officers, usurpers, criminals and robbers of state property, we say: let it serve your honor, if you have it. Before that, ask yourself what you are doing to this country and hers The fact that this is only one of dozens of scandals uncovered in the Ministry of Defense is particularly worrying. How many state resources have been stolen, how much trust has been betrayed? Citizens of Montenegro, we must never tolerate this kind of behavior. It's time for all those who made the defense system a private prey and a party training ground to answer before the law and the people. The Army of Montenegro must be and will always be - the guardian of our freedom, honor and future," the statement reads.
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