Steiner: Austria has high expectations from Montenegro

The Austrian ambassador met with the president of the Committee for International Relations and Emigrants, Duško Stjepović

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Štajner and Stjepović, Photo: Parliament of Montenegro
Štajner and Stjepović, Photo: Parliament of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

Austria strongly supports the integration of the Western Balkans into the European Union (EU) and has high expectations from Montenegro, which is a leader in that process, said the Austrian ambassador in Podgorica, Christian Steiner.

As reported by the Assembly, he said this at a meeting with the President of the Committee for International Relations and Emigrants, Duško Stjepović.

"Steiner announced that his country is a strong supporter of the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and pointed out that Montenegro is the leader of this process and that they have great expectations from our country," the statement said.

He reminded that Austria is the initiator of the Group of Friends of Enlargement, in which Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Slovenia and Croatia also participate, and which aims to help speed up the process of the Western Balkans in the EU, with a special emphasis on the concept of gradual integration.

According to reports, Steiner agreed that the parliamentary relations between Montenegro and Austria are at an extremely high level.

He added that he is convinced that it will be the same in the newly formed convocation of the Austrian parliament, where the formation of friendship groups is still expected.

Stjepović assessed that Steiner, as someone who knows the conditions in the region well, will undoubtedly have a very active engagement in Montenegro.

He thanked Austria and the parliament of that country for their support so far in the process of European integration, recalling the results achieved by Montenegro in that field.

"He particularly emphasized the importance of parliamentary diplomacy, and referred to the intensive cooperation with the Austrian Parliament at all levels and informed that a Friendship Group with Austria was formed in this convocation of the Assembly as well," the announcement states.

Stjepović also thanked for the support in the realization of the successful civic education program of the Democratic Workshop "Barbara Pramer", intended for students.

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