Milatović: Spajić blocked the work of the Council, confirmed that he was not up to the task he was performing

The Prime Minister did not appear at the session even an hour after it was supposed to start

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Photo: Office for Public Relations of the President of Montenegro
Photo: Office for Public Relations of the President of Montenegro
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The President of the State, Jakov Milatović, said that he was shocked by the behavior of Prime Minister Milojko Spajić, who did not appear today at the scheduled session of the Council for Defense and Security. Milatović states that this once again confirms that not everyone is up to the task they perform.

"Today, the Prime Minister blocked the work of the Council for Defense and Security and thus showed an incredibly irresponsible behavior towards the Army of Montenegro, towards the state of Montenegro, towards the President of the Assembly, the President of the State, the citizens. Unfortunately, not everyone is up to the position they occupy. I am simply shocked by the behavior of the Prime Minister who did not appear at the scheduled session today village time from the moment the session was supposed to start, he left when the prime minister did not appear," said Milatović, as announced by his cabinet.

"As far as I know from the secretary of the Council, he does not answer the phone and is completely unavailable. So I think that this is just a continuation of an irresponsible behavior of the Prime Minister towards state institutions. It started with an irresponsible behavior towards the Parliament of Montenegro, and it continued. according to the President, the Government, this culminated today according to the Council for Defense and Security as the most important state institution related to defense and security in the country was held," said Milatović.

Milatović had scheduled a continuation of the session of the Defense and Security Council for today, where the dismissal of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army of Montenegro (VCG) Zoran Lazarevic should be discussed.

Milatović then said that at the session of the Council, he would demand that Defense Minister Dragan Krapović return the powers to Lazarević.

Krapović, however, believes that the Council for Defense and Security does not have the authority to issue any orders to the Minister of Defense, nor to interfere in the operational issues of the VCG.

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