Đurašević fell out of favor because she was loyal to Jasna Dokić

Milo Božović did not authorize the appointment of Blanka Đurašević, who is his aunt's sister, as assistant secretary for property protection of the Municipality, so the decision on the appointment was annulled.

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Blanka Đurašević, Photo: Private archive
Blanka Đurašević, Photo: Private archive
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The detained President of the Municipality of Budva, Milo Božović, did not authorize the then Vice-President of the Municipality, Jasna Dokić, to appoint Blanka Đurašević as Assistant Secretary for the Protection of Municipal Property. This is one of the key reasons why the decision on the appointment of Đurašević, which was made by Acting Secretary for Property Protection Vlado Ivanović, was annulled, and which at the same time accepted the appeal of opponent Đorđe Zenović.

Đurašević is a close relative of the detained Božović, his aunt's sister, as stated by Zenović in the complaint.

Zenovicphoto: Movement for the city - Đorđe Zenović

It is interesting that the decision to cancel the decision to elect Đurašević, who was twice appointed to the position of assistant secretary, which was disputed by Zenović, who also ran, comes three days after the Deputy President of the Municipality, Jasna Dokić, was dismissed.

Đurašević was the only one in the local administration who remained loyal to the vice-president of the Municipality after Dokić left the political group "Budva naš grad" whose leader is Nikola Jovanović, and whom Božović appointed as the vice-president of the Municipality.

On December 2, the detainee Božović signed the decision on the dismissal of Dokić and the appointment of Jovanović in the detention cell, finding that the reason was that she made decisions, even though she did not have his authority, which was confirmed by the inspection of the Ministry of Public Administration.

From the beginning of November, after Dokić officially left Jovanović's group, Đurašević was in the vice-president's cabinet and followed her on all events, even on the disputed December 3, when Dokić came to work, not knowing that the day before that a decision had been made about her dismissed, and he found the cabinet locked, and as she told "Vijesta" at the time, from which she was "kicked out by 30 people who are unemployed in the Municipality and who usurped offices, and only Đurašević opposed them".

In the May elections, Đurašević was on the "Budva nas grad" list as a candidate for councilor, but her name was missing from the list for the November elections, which indicated that there was a slip-up.

In mid-September, after Zenović, the former assistant secretary for property protection, filed an appeal, the Government Appeals Commission annulled Ivanović's decision from June of this year, by which Đurašević was appointed assistant secretary for the first time. The Government Commission stated in its decision that it annulled the decision for procedural reasons, without going into the facts presented by Zenović, and ordered the Secretariat for Property Protection to decide again.

On September 26, Ivanović issued a new decision and re-appointed Đurašević, to which Zenović appealed again, claiming that the law had been violated, but also challenged the appointment of Ivanović himself, and pointed out the family ties between the detained president Milo Božović and Đurašević.

Đurašević, for her part, gave a statement claiming that she was legally appointed.

In the latest decision, Ivanović states that on November 22, they turned to the office of the President of the Municipality with a request for the delivery of the authorization issued by the President of the Municipality authorizing Vice President Jasna Dokić to give consent to the appointment of the Assistant Secretary for Property Protection.

"The request was submitted with the finding of the administrative supervision of the Ministry of Public Administration regarding the application of Article 67 of the Law on Local Self-Government in the Municipality, which indicated to the vice-president that she is obliged to comply with the Constitution, the Law on Local Self-Government and the Statute of the Municipality of Budva. According to our request, Vice President Jasna Dokić did not submit the requested authorization. On December 2, the President of the Municipality issued a decision on the dismissal of the Vice-President of the Municipality, Jasna Dokić, in which it was stated that she did not have the authority to undertake official actions, and that she never requested the authorization in the legally prescribed procedure, but performed the function of the Vice-President contrary to the legal provisions," the decision reads. Ivanovic.

He added that Article 873 of the Law on Local Self-Government and Article 126 of the Statute of the Municipality of Budva stipulate that the decision on the appointment of the assistant head of the authority is made by the head of the authority with the consent of the president of the municipality.

"Since there is no consent of the President of the Municipality for the appointment of any candidate from the selection list, the Secretariat for Property Protection is not able to make a decision on the appointment of an assistant secretary until the conditions prescribed by law are met," Ivanović concluded in the decision.

Without authorization for the appointment of Ivanović, Lazić and Božović

In addition to Đurašević, the Vice President of the Municipality, Jasna Dokić, appointed in the past few months the Acting Secretary for Property Protection Vlad Ivanović, as well as the Acting City Manager Marijana Božović and, after the competition, the Chief City Architect Jelena Lazić.

Bearing in mind that the vice-president, as written in the resolution signed by Božović, but also in the resolution signed by Ivanović, never asked for authorization from the President of the Municipality, this has now been called into question and the appointments to management positions in the Secretariat for Property Protection, as and the Office of the City Manager and the Office of the City Architect.

Lazić is a high-ranking official of "Budva our city", and in the May and November elections she was on the list for councilors, while her brother Božović was first on the list of this political group in the last elections.

The decision to cancel the decision for the election of Blanka Đurašević, who was twice appointed to the position of assistant secretary, which was challenged by Đorđe Zenović, who also ran for that position, comes three days after the deputy president of the Municipality, Jasna Dokić, was dismissed.

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