CDT: The decision of representatives of the EU member states not to support the closure of four chapters is the last warning for the authorities

The program director of the CDT, Milica Kovačević, said that now the attempts to relativize the damage that the representatives of the "civil options" knew they were doing to Montenegro by passing the unnecessary Resolution on Jasenovac look comical.

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Kovačević, Photo: CDT
Kovačević, Photo: CDT
Disclaimer: The translations are mostly done through AI translator and might not be 100% accurate.

The decision of the representatives of the member states of the European Union (EU) not to support the announced closure of four chapters is the last warning for the authorities that the goal of a serious policy must be the development of one's own country, and not flattering the authorities of other countries, said the Center for Democratic Transition (CDT).

The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Member States of the European Union approved the closure of three chapters for Montenegro, namely Chapters 7 - Intellectual Property Law, 10 - Information Society and Media and 20 - Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy. Montenegro was not approved to close chapter 31 - Foreign, security and defense policy.

CDT program director Milica Kovačević said that the decision of representatives of EU member states not to support the announced closure of four chapters in the negotiations between Montenegro and the Union is the last warning for the authorities.

"That serious politics must aim at the development of one's own state and society, and not at flattering the authorities of other countries whose agendas are not well-intentioned towards our EU path", stated Kovačević.

As she said, the results of this approach are clear to everyone from today.

"Instead of the initially announced ten, and then lowering our EU ambition to four chapters, and finally opening only three, the government was sent an unequivocal political message from Brussels that this kind of policy will no longer be tolerated," Kovačević assessed.

She said that now the attempts to relativize the damage that the representatives of the "civic options" knew they were doing to Montenegro by passing the unnecessary Resolution on Jasenovac look comical.

"And what is the supposed heritage of the culture of memory in a country where not a single individual has ever denied the genocide and the crimes committed by the Independent State of Croatia against Serbs, Jews, Roma and anti-fascist Croats and whose citizens fought with rifles against the Ustasha regime in that Nazi creation" , the announcement states.

According to Kovačević, as of today, it is completely clear that this resolution "did its job" - it slowed down Montenegro's path to the EU.

"The outcome of the session in Brussels is a reason for serious concern that this Government cannot bring our country into the EU," said Kovačević.

She assessed that the latest cancellation of the meeting between the President of the Assembly Andrija Mandić and the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola is just another confirmation of that position.

Kovačević said that, nevertheless, the fact that Montenegro managed to close a chapter in the negotiations with the EU for the first time after 2017 shows that there is capacity and potential for progress and that the European perspective is achievable, if a lesson is learned and the chance is taken, and energy is resolutely and strategically focused on reforms and development.

"The Prime Minister and the European Movement are now at an important crossroads - will they continue to tolerate the implementation of the regime's agenda in the environment, while offering the public unifications and barometers as an excuse for never-implemented reforms, or will they really be ready to tackle by no means easy challenges that lie ahead until membership in the EU", Kovačević said.

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